Greetings and salutations from the Northeast corner of the Buckeye State. Please allow me a few minutes of your time so I may make a brief announcement.
We’re less than two weeks away from the annual ARRL Ohio Section ARES leadership meeting on Saturday, March 15th, 2014 at the State of Ohio Emergency Operations Center in Columbus. The meeting will begin at 10AM and will conclude at 3PM. The State EOC is located at 2855 West Dublin-Granville Rd, Columbus, OH 43235. For full schedule go to:
* Assistant Section Emergency Coordinators
* District Emergency Coordinators
* Assistant District Emergency Coordinators
* Emergency Coordinators
* Assistant Emergency Coordinators
* Official Emergency Stations
* Ohio Section Cabinet Members
All those who hold ARES appointments including Assistant Emergency Coordinator and Official Emergency Station are asked to please make every effort to attend as it's important to have all counties and districts represented. If you are an Emergency Coordinator or District Emergency Coordinator and unable to attend, please ensure you’re county or district is represented at this annual meeting.
There are several counties in Ohio that do not have an Emergency Coordinator or ARES program. You can view the list at this website. If you live in any of the vacant counties and have a sincere desire to become the next Emergency Coordinator or start an ARES program, please accept my invitation to join us at the Ohio ARES leadership meeting.
Everyone who is attending is asked to please register online at
Feel free to contact me should you have any questions. My contact information can be found on the ARES page or Section Information page on the ARRL Ohio Section website
Thank you for your time and I look forward to seeing you at the Ohio Section ARES leadership meeting.
73 de Matt W8DEC