Thursday, January 30, 2014

Week 05 of the SEC's weekly notes..

Ohio SEC Notes & Stuff - Week 5 - 2014
For public distribution.  Please forward as appropriate.
These notes will also be available on the ARES page at

Ohio HF Emergency Preparedness Net.  Tues at 7PM on 3850 kHz (+/-)   Ohio Digital Emergency Net (OHDEN)  Tues at 8PM. 3585 kHz and 7072 kHz  USB.
Ross T. Stillisano KB8JTZ Memorial Award Winner:  David Rickon NF8O, of Medina, OH
Greetings and salutations from the Northeast corner of the Buckeye State where the temperature is 27 degrees and cloudy.

In the last few Ohio SEC Notes & Stuff, I've been asking ARES volunteers to please contact their County ARES Emergency Coordinator and verify their contact information.  If you have done this yet, please make it a point to do so.  It should only take a few minutes.

If you are unsure who your Emergency Coordinator or District Emergency Coordinator is, there is a complete listing on the Ohio Section website

It is my pleasure to announce the appointment of Robert Jostes KD8GPG, of Marysville, Ohio, to the position of Emergency Coordinator for Union County in District 7.  Please join me in welcoming him by sending him an email to

It is my pleasure to announce the appointment of Scott Hixon KC8ITN, of Stoutsville, Ohio, to the position of Emergency Coordinator for Pickaway County in District 7.  Please join me in welcoming him by sending him an email to

There will be an ARES Forum at the Mansfield Hamfest at the Richland County Fairgrounds on Sunday, February 16th at 9AM.  All past, present, and future ARES volunteers are encouraged to attend.  There will also be an ARRL Forum at 10AM.

The Assistant Section Emergency Coordinators and I are available to visit your club meeting or ARES meeting.  Feel free to contact any one of us to set that up.

In final, the Amateur Radio Emergency Service is more proactive than reactive.  Proactive is what can be done now such as preparation and planning.  This includes my good friend TED.  Reactive is taking all that preparation and planning and putting it to work.

What is TED?  T = Training is what is learned in a classroom or in the field.  E = Exercises are designed to practice what was learned.  D = Drills are designed to assess and evaluate whether or not more training is required.

That's all for this week.  Thank you for everything you do for amateur radio.
73 de Matt W8DEC

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Week 04 of the SEC's Notes..

Ohio SEC Notes & Stuff - Week 4 - 2014
For public distribution. Please forward as appropriate.

These notes will also be available on the ARES page at

Ohio HF Emergency Preparedness Net. Tues at 7PM on 3850 kHz (+/-) and 7240 kHz LSB
Ohio Digital Emergency Net (OHDEN) Tues at 8PM. 3585 kHz and 7072 kHz USB.
Ross T. Stillisano KB8JTZ Memorial Award Winner: David Rickon NF8O, of Medina, OH

Greetings and salutations from the Northeast corner of the Buckeye State where it's 10 degrees and snowing.

Check out the information I just posted at regarding the Ohio HF Emergency Preparedness Net.

I am so looking forward to this event! Winter Field Day is this Saturday, January 25th and Sunday the 26th. The event starts at Noon on Saturday and concludes at Noon on Sunday. Check out their website for more details. I wish everyone good luck. Stay warm and drink plenty of fluids. Despite cold temperatures, it's still easy to become dehydrated.

Tuesday, January 28th, A few ARES leaders and I will be participating in a Volunteer and Donations Management workshop (G-288) at the State of Ohio Emergency Operations Center.

Attention ARES volunteers! Have you been in contact with your Emergency Coordinator and verify your contact information? Phone numbers? Email addresses? Please make it a point to get that done, it not done so already. I really do not want to belabor the point but this is important. It will only take a few minutes to knock this out.

Saturday, March 15th is the ARES Leadership Meeting at the State of Ohio Emergency Operations Center from 10am to 3pm. All Emergency Coordinators are asked to make sure your county is represented at this meeting. All District EC's are asked to ensure your district is represented. Assistant Emergency Coordinators and Official Emergency Stations are encouraged to attend.

In final, I am speaking to the ARES volunteers...should a conflict arise in your county ARES team, I recommend taking that up with your Emergency Coordinator. If your EC is not successful in conflict resolution, he or she should involve their District Emergency Coordinator. Should that not be successful or more guidance is necessary, the DEC should bring it to the attention of the Section Emergency Coordinator. If warranted, I will bring it to the attention of the Ohio Section Manager. Very rarely does it come to my attention because we have great District Emergency Coordinators in place. But it's important for the ARES volunteer to understand they are not alone. If you ever need help, all you have to is ask. "One Band, One Sound."

That's all I have for this week. Thank you for everything you do for amateur radio. Have a nice weekend and I look forward to hearing you on the air for Winter Field Day!

73 de Matt W8DEC

Monday, January 20, 2014

December 2013 Monthly SEC Report

Your MonsterMail form has been completed, following are the results:

ARES Form FSD-96
1-WD8PNZ, 2-W8UY, 3-KC8WHK, 4-N8TFD, 5-KC8PD, 6-W8MLL, 7-KA8RLC, 8-N8SUZ, 9-W8FHF, 10-N8AUC
See below for comments.
Matthew Welch W8DEC / Ohio SEC




Totals include Northwest Ohio Training and Traffic and District 1 Skywarn net figures. Congratulations to Brenda Krukowski KB8IUP for her appointment as Lucas County Emergency Coordinator. Happy New Year and thanks for all your help in 2013. 

Seneca County-EC Scott Rosenburger KE8JC   Report submitted by AEC Steve Tarbert KC8ZKC Seneca County had moderate flooding along the Sandusky River in December with low lying areas of Tiffin involved.

Huron County-EC Clay Benner KB8DNA   There were 2 Skywarn events for the county this month. Significant tree damage and some structure damage in Norwalk from the Nov 1 storm. Several man-hours working with CERT and completing Damage assessment reports. AEC and I attended the Ohio ARES conference. Thanks to Seth KD8RBP for accepting the appointment of AEC for Huron Co. Seth will be the net liaison to OSSBN and other outside nets as well as the State Digital Net. This report includes his net time hours .

Hancock County-EC Darl Deeds NA8W   Busy month in Hancock County. We elected officer's for Hears and we have new leadership. We had a good turn out at our traffic handling training meeting and hope we have more checkins with the OSSN. I have built a sound card interface that was listed in the 2009 QST. We hope to make a club building project with it and use it for VHF FM ARES functions. We had a Christmas flood in Findlay and adjacent areas with some damage to homes but communications were maintained commercially and hams were not needed. Happy New Year from Hancock County.

Erie County-EC Bob Heim K8HLH    Slow month, Many check-in's for our nets Happy New Year Matt & Brent 


No weekly nets held on Xmas or NY Eve due to holiday. 


Emergency Operations hours were in support of SkyWARN serving the National Weather Service at Wilmington. Planning for the Flying Pig Marathon and "public service event season" is heating up this polar winter in SW Ohio. Hamilton County Health Department, which is a strong primary partner of Hamilton County ARES, has a new command vehicle. Let's see if we can get some ham radio equipment on board! 


Stark County: We had a total of 4 ARES Nets for the month of December that totaled 157 check-ins. There were no public service events during December. Work continues with updating our ARES roster and discussion of training plans and meetings for 2014. We have been informed by one of our ARES members of his intent to donate a Davis Instruments multi-purpose wireless weather station. It will be installed at Mercy Medical Center, home of our ARES Repeater and Winlink Relay station. This will be a great asset to our Skywarn Spotter program.

Updated our Calendar of Events that include a listing of the scheduled public service events we will assist with in 2014. Mahoning County: Lost one area AEC WR8RW Robert Webster left and moved to Greenville, SC. Restructuring local ARES. Report 2 days late due to issues with computer and power outage all last eve, during the SUB ZERO weather.


No county comments other than Richland and Wyandot. 

RICHLAND - Richland County ARES had 4 nets and 1 SKYWARN net.

WYANDOT - The WAHOO Club met at the Corner Inn for their Annual Christmas Dinner Party Meeting. We shared a Christmas Feast and had a brief meeting when we elected Club officers for 2014. Bud Miller, KB8SHZ President. Jace Carlson, KF4HZV Vice President. Ron Wilch, KE8PX Secretary. Jerry Yirga, W8WPF Treasurer. We then discussed visiting other neighboring Radio Clubs to see what they do and try to get ideas to stimulate growth in our club. The Meeting ended with a White Elephant gift exchange which was enjoyed by all. "73" 


DELAWARE: Delaware continues to improve fldigi capabilities. We've launched 3 digital capable go-bags. We're re-purposing ex sheriff radios for EMA/ARES applications. We helped EMA sort through a collection of older radios. We are working on additional antenna leads down to the EOC. A group continues experimenting with MESH.


LICKING: We have started an active effort to equip at least four members plus EOC on HF digital frequencies and get an in-county digital net going. W5UHQ who has many years experience in digital communications and education is a retired electronics engineer has volunteered to mentor the group and get any with interest fixed up. He conducted the first phase of a three part training in December and will follow up with two sessions in January and February to both ARES and CERT who also want digital capability.

We also hope to have at least one ARES member each week checking into the Tuesday Ohio Digital Net in 2014. We have specified a new high profile UHF antenna for our Horns Hill repeater site on 444.500. The requisition has been turned into EMA who hopes to fund the new antenna. We have been operating for several months on a degraded UHF antenna system. We also have procured through a generous donation a new High Profile, High Power, 2 meter repeater and full wireless control system. This repeater will replace the current 146.88 machine which will be retired to become a hot backup. 


EC comments Athens: Sunday Creek Amateur Radio Federation hamfest Sunday, January 19, 2014, 8 AM to noon, Tri-County Career Center, SR 691, Nelsonville, OH. VE session at noon, walk-ins welcome. Hocking: EC computer out of service. Report given to DEC by voice. DEC N8SUZ filing electronically for EC. 


COSHOCTON COUNTY: I attended a Coshocton County Health Dept table top exercise. "Nothing spreads like fear-contagion". Also we moved the ARES communications van to have some of its radios updated. During the month we also held a net at mid day using the calling tree with a good turn-out for mid day. We are looking forward to this summer’s GOBA three day visit. AA8BN Steve Wheatcraft Coshocton Co. EC……..….

MONROE COUNTY: We had our first public service event in December. A few club Members and I worked the Christmas Parade for Woodsfield. They told us that they were very pleased with our operations and they want us to do the Bicentennial parade this upcoming summer. Last month. we are in the process of buying a repeater for the County. I will be getting in contact with the repeater coordinator probably this week to get the ball rolling. KD8MTK Jeremey Taylor EC Monroe Co………….

MUSKINGUM COUNTY: No Comments this month. KB3RDR Kathern Frederico EC Muskingum Co…………

NOBLE COUNTY: No Comments this month. N8RAF Larry Mason! EC Noble Co………….

No ARES Report from Belmont, Guernsey, Morgan and Jefferson counties this month. W8FHF 


Happy New Year to all, and stay warm!

Ashtabula County: Well the end of the year has come and gone. December was a good month for us. Though many members have flown south in lieu of warmer climes- most have still kept up contact through Echolink on our weekly nets. The rest of us have kept busy with other Ham project and trying to organize our ideas for the coming year's meetings and events. Our annual ARES/club meeting at the county EOC has been postponed by the EOC staff. Hopefully we'll receive the rescheduled date in a short while.

Cuyahoga County: The short time between the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays precluded much in the way of meeting or drills. Despite this, we held our monthly member meeting, held a Net, and helped the City of Cleveland complete plans for the acquisition of equipment for their EOC in support of Amateur Radio (ARES) participation. Mostly, we spent time with our families in the celebration of the holidays.

Geauga County: Public Service Events down due to wi! nter.

Lake County: Six operators monitored a ARES road traffic net on 147.210 repeater during the multi car pileup on I90 east in Lake County. One operator was on the scene in the road shut down. The net was secured after 3 hours of operation.

Lorain County: No public service or emergency operations were conducted this month.



Friday, January 17, 2014

Week 03 of the SEC's Notes

Ohio SEC Notes & Stuff - Week 3 - 2014
For public distribution.  Please forward as appropriate.
These notes will also be available on the ARES page at

Ohio HF Emergency Preparedness Net.  Tues at 7PM on 3850 kHz (+/-) and 7240 kHz LSB
Ohio Digital Emergency Net (OHDEN)  Tues at 8PM. 3585 kHz and 7072 kHz  USB.
Ross T. Stillisano KB8JTZ Memorial Award Winner:  David Rickon NF8O, of Medina, OH
Greetings and salutations from the Northeast corner of the Buckeye State where the temperature is currently 41 degrees and sunny.

Just a friendly reminder about the Introduction to Emergency Communications Class (ARRL EC-001) starting in March at the Center of Hope in Ravenna, Ohio.  It's an excellent program with great instructors.  I highly recommend it.  The training is free but there is a $15.00 fee for the exam.  Contact DEC Jim KC8PD at to sign up.  See the attached announcement for details. 

I will be officiating an ARES Forum at the Mansfield Hamfest on February 16th at 9AM at the Richland County Fairgrounds.  Check out their website for details. 

The ARES Forum at Dayton Hamvention is unofficially scheduled for Sunday, May 18th from 10:30AM to 11:30AM in Room 3.
ARES forums are for all past, present, and future volunteers interested in emergency, disaster, digital, and public service communications.  All are welcome.

Also a reminder to all ARES volunteers...please contact your Emergency Coordinator to verify your contact information, if not done so already.  I cannot stress how important this is.  Emergencies and disasters are few and far between.  Waiting for them to happen only to find out your phone number is not correct on the roster is the wrong time and wrong attitude.  Please take a few moment to verify your contact information is correct.

Hats off to the 11 amateur radio volunteers who are staffing the 10' x 20' ham radio booth at the Cleveland Outdoor Adventure Show from January 16th through the 19th at the IX Center adjacent to Hopkins International Airport.

That's all I have for this week.  Thank you for everything you do for amateur radio.  Have a nice weekend.

73 de Matt W8DEC

Friday, January 10, 2014

Week 02 of the SEC Notes...

Ohio SEC Notes & Stuff - Week 2 - 2014
For public distribution.  Please forward as appropriate.
These notes will also be available on the ARES page at

Ohio HF Emergency Preparedness Net.  Tues at 7PM on 3850 kHz (+/-) and 7240 kHz LSB
Ohio Digital Emergency Net (OHDEN)  Tues at 8PM. 3585 kHz and 7072 kHz  USB.
Ross T. Stillisano KB8JTZ Memorial Award Winner:  David Rickon NF8O, of Medina, OH

Happy New Year!  Welcome to 2014!  Greetings and salutations from the Northeast corner of the Buckeye State where it's a comfortable 43 degrees at the time of this writing!  I am pleased to report that Old Man Winter and Mother Nature are out of counseling.  The passion between them must be heating up as the ice and snow are melting and the forecasters are calling for even warmer temperatures  ;-)
I am beginning my first Ohio SEC Notes & Stuff of the new year by introducing my staff.  I have selected three Assistant Section Emergency Coordinators since I was appointed in January 2012. 

The Assistant Section Emergency Coordinators are available for consultation and to answer your questions.  Feel free to email them at any time and they'll respond back in a timely manner.

Scott Phillips N8SX is the Assistant SEC appointed for Northern Ohio.  He is responsible for maintaining the Ohio Section Training Database and his collateral duty is the development and implementation of Ohio's first ARESMAT Team.  His email address is
Mark Griggs KB8YMN is the Assistant SEC appointed for Central Ohio.  He has been assigned the collateral duty of recruiting.  He is the primary source of recruiting new volunteers into ARES as well as retaining them in the program.  His email is
Gary Stephenson WW8O is the Assistant SEC appointed for Southern Ohio.  He has been assigned the collateral duty of training.  He is the primary source of training new ARES volunteers and seasoned veterans alike.  His email is

Attention all ARES volunteers...
Please contact your Emergency Coordinator and verify your contact information, especially email address and telephone number.  There will be times throughout the year where you will be called upon.  Wrong contact info could lead to delays in staffing important assignments.  I recommend verifying your contact information on a quarterly basis or when anything changes.

If you are not an ARES member, but would like to be, or at least thinking about it...

Please contact your County Emergency Coordinator.  They will get your started in ARES and guide you in the right direction.  You can find their contact information by clicking on this LINK.
What if I do not have an Emergency Coordinator in my county?  Excellent question.  All 88 counties are grouped into 10 ARES districts.  Every district has an appointed District Emergency Coordinator.  Their contact information is also located at the link above.
Be sure to follow and bookmark the Ohio Section ARES Blog.  I post announcements, information about upcoming events, and other miscellaneous items of importance on that blog.

Saturday, January 25th and Sunday the 26th is Winter Field Day sponsored by the Society for the Preservation of Amateur Radio (SPAR).  The event starts at Noon on Saturday and concludes at Noon on Sunday.  It's very similar to Field Day held in June but with the premise that emergencies and disasters don't always happen in warm weather.  In 2013, there were only 47 Winter Field Day logs submitted to SPAR.  I'd really like to see Ohio contribute to that.  So here's my challenge to you...I'd like to see as many stations from Ohio participate in Winter Field Day.  I can tell you several of us from the Geauga Amateur Radio Association will be on the air that weekend and I hope to hear you on the air.  Check out their website for more details.

March 15th is the Ohio ARES Leadership Meeting at the State of Ohio Emergency Operations Center in Columbus.  The meeting starts at 10am and will conclude at 3pm.  All volunteers that hold an ARES appointment including Official Emergency Stations and Assistant Emergency Coordinators are encouraged to attend.  We have quite the agenda to get through and your participation is greatly appreciated.  All counties and districts are expected to be represented at this meeting.
Auxiliary Communications (AUXCOM) course is coming to Hamvention again this year.  Many of us completed this course and let me tell you the instructors were great.  I highly recommend taking this course.  Registration for the 2014 course opens February 1st.  See details at
Ladies and gentlemen, that's all I have for this week.  Thank you very much for all you do for amateur radio.

73 de Matt W8DEC

Thursday, January 2, 2014

November 2013 SEC Monthly Report

Your MonsterMail form has been completed, following are the results:

ARES Form FSD-96
1-WD8PNZ, 2-W8UY, 3-KC8WHK, 4-N8TFD, 5-KC8PD, 6-W8MLL, 7-KA8RLC, 8-N8SUZ, 9-W8FHF, 10-N8AUC
See attached document for comments.
Matthew Welch W8DEC / Ohio SEC




Seneca County-EC Scott Rosenburger KE8JC   Report submitted by AEC Steve Tarbert KC8ZKC  The results from 3 of the weekly nets were not sent to me by the Net Controllers

Huron County-EC Clay Benner KB8DNA   There were 2 Skywarn events for the county this month. Significant tree damage and some structure damage in Norwalk from the Nov 1 storm. Several man-hours working with CERT and completing Damage assessment reports. AEC and I attended the Ohio ARES conference. Thanks to Seth KD8RBP for accepting the appointment of AEC for Huron Co. Seth will be the net liaison to OSSBN and other outside nets as well as the State Digital Net. This report includes his net time hours 

Sandusky County-EC David Gierhart W8DAG   Skywarn activation on November 17th for tornado warnings. Three confirmed tornados in neighboring counties. PO issued for new ARES communications trailer and equipment with money from the local Community Foundations Grant. Delivery in January

Hancock County-EC Darl Deeds NA8W   Skywarn Activation for severe storms dominated the month.

Erie County-EC Bob Heim K8HLH    We had 2 Sky warn nets 1 on 11/1 and 2nd on 11/17 which had a total of 63 man hours, even though one was late at night. Odd for November. Had the training at the conference in Columbus. (very long day counting travel time).


This was a busy month for D-3 people. Lots of holiday parades and some mutual aid among counties to help with these events. 


E-ops hours were in support of NWS. Public Service season is a little slow in our district until about March. The next challenge in the district is explore a recent request by Hamilton County "ROC" (Regional Operating Center) to deepen their relationship with the amateur radio community. Happy Holidays from the DEC, ECs, AECs, and great volunteers in District 4! 


Stark County - We had a total of 4 ARES nets for the month of November that totaled 145 check-ins. November was an active month for our ARES program. On the 9th five ARES members attended the All Ohio ARES Conference for a day of meetings and activities.

Thanks to the Massillon Amateur Radio Club for providing their EmComm Trailer for display at the meeting. Many attendees took time to visit the trailer with lots of questions and some very nice comments. Three ARES members staffed an information table at the annual Massillon Hamfest on Nov 3rd. The table included a Go-Box display and several new ARES registrations were taken during the event.

The Massillon club completed their last scheduled public service event on Saturday, Nov 23rd with the Massillon Holiday Parade. 18 volunteers provided logistics and safety communications that also included providing staging and lineup for the over 100 units in this years parade. As always, complete details of all our activities are posted on our website at


CRAWFORD – Report not filed 

KNOX – Report filed – No Comments 

MARION – Report filed – No Comments 

MEDINA – Report not filed 

RICHLAND – November was a busy month in Richland County. The ARES group conducted four training nets and one Skywarn net due to tornado watch and warning in our area. EC Danny Bailey, KB8STK and Harry Mains, N8XMI attended the All Ohio ARES Conference in Reynoldsburg, Ohio. The conference had a great turnout with lots of valuable information presented. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and now are looking forward to Christmas. 

WAYNE – Report not filed 

WYANDOT – The Wyandot County ARES group held their monthly meeting on November 14th at the Wyandot Memorial Hospital conference rooms. We discussed the possibility of having a special event station at the 2014 Wyandot County Fair. Many details will need to be worked out. The club have their Christmas dinner party meeting December 12th at the Corner Inn in Upper Sandusky. A short business meeting will follow the dinner with the election of 2014 officers and then a "white elephant" gift exchange. "73" 


On November 21st, there was a "Regional Emergency Operations Center Functional Exercise" that included; Delaware, Licking, Fairfield, Franklin, Pickaway, Madison, and Union Counties. The exercise started off as a winter weather event, with an ice storm that disrupted public utilities causing shelters to be opened. About 2 hours into the exercise a "cyber" attack was initiated by terrorist group. The caused all internet and many Public Service radio systems to fail. All communications from the county EOC to the State EOC and communications within the participating counties to be by HAM Radio only. FLDIGI was used by most of the counties. 


Counties reporting: Athens, Hocking, Lawrence, Scioto EC comments: Athens: On November 3rd Athens County ARA(ACARA) and the Sunday Creek Amateur Radio Federation (SCARF) jointly supported the Bobcat Trail Marathon at Burr Oak Lake State Park. SCARF will hold their annual SCARFfest at Nelsonville Tri-County Career Center on Sunday, January 19, 2014, 8 AM to noon. VE session at noon. Hocking:

On November 10th we once again assisted the local Veterans groups organize their Veterans Day parade. It is an annual event that our club takes very seriously to help honor the men and women who have served and sacrificed so much to protect our freedom! Scioto: 11/17 Skywarn net was established during a severe thunderstorm warning for Scioto County. There were a total of 7 members that checked in and reported conditions from various locations in the county.

DEC comments: In the past few weeks there have been several severe weather events. All counties were reminded to notify the DEC of activations as per OSERP. The only activation recorded was from 11/17 in Scioto County, although most counties were prepared to activate if needed. Thanks to all for maintaining standby during these events. Hope recent WX events are not a foretelling of the upcoming winter. 


COSHOCTON CO….Start of the month was my call to my DEC, W8FHF, at noon per SEC request. On Nov 9 AECs N8VV and KL7RF for Coshocton Co and myself attended the ARES Conference. We enjoyed the mobile units on display and the various informative presentations. KL7RF continues to be active on the OSSBN….EC, Steve Wheatcraft…AA8BN

GUERNSEY CO…Have had several meetings with the EMA director to discuss our support to the EMA. One of our priorities is issuing identification badges through the EMA to our ARES personnel. Public event was the annual Christmas parade support. Emergency Weather net was activated during Tornado Warning. EC, Dick Wayt, WD8SDH...

JEFFERSON CO…. The new simplex net is proving to members, and others in the area, that simplex is a reliable mode of communication and that we do NOT have to rely on repeaters for our ARES work…..EC…Robert Carson N8CUX….

MONROE CO….Monroe County amateurs will be participating in a simplex drill this month that I am coordinating. I will be sending operators out all over our county to see how efficient VHF and UHF is at communicating back to our EOC on simplex. I have not set the date in stone yet but it will be sometime here in December. We did antenna tuning and radio reprogramming at the office yesterday as well……EC Jeremey Taylor, KD8MTK….

MUSKINGUM CO…..Some of our members practiced transmitting and/or receiving Digital communications on six meter SSB with FLDIGI/FLMSG with the COOKEN Club in Newark, OH, Licking County, in their Thursday night 6 meter net. We also applied for a Grant with the BlueGrass Pipeline people, for $10,600.00, by way of our EOC director. We brought up a couple storm related weather nets also in November. We are also planning a multi county wide Digital net with neighboring counties….EC Kathleen Frederico KB3RDR..

NOBLE CO….Meeting with Noble County 911/LEPC/Homeland Security. 2 men 1.5 hrs x 2 = 3 hours … EC Larry Mason, N8RAF….. 


The All Ohio ARES Conference was great! Happy Holidays to you and your families!

Ashtabula / D10 County: Been a very low key month over all. We have all been getting our gear and shacks squared away for the upcoming cold weather. We are pretty excited about our annual Christmas dinner and celebration- coming up this Saturday.

Cuyahoga County : This month was busy -- 2 drills, 2 nets, and 1 general meeting. High levels of participation were achieved at all events. Cuyahoga ARES works hard to maintain its readiness and a good relationship with its served agencies.

Geauga County: None

Lake County: None

Lorain County: There were no public service events or emergency operations conducted this month.

