Wednesday, July 13, 2016

June Section Emergency Coordinator's Report

ARRL Ohio Section - FSD-96
Month: June
Year: 2016
Total Number of ARES Members: 1769
Change since last month: 42
Number of DEC's / EC's reporting this month: 10
Number of ARES Nets active: 563
Number of Nets active with NTS Liaisons: varies
Call-signs of DEC's / EC's reporting: WD8PNZ W8UY KC8WHK WF8B AI8P KB8STK N8KKW N8SUZ W8FHF N8AUC
Number of drills, tests and training sessions this month: 183
Person Hours: 4799.5
Number of Public Service Events this month: 78
Person Hours: 2121
Number of Emergency Operations this month: 28
Person Hours: 232
Total number of ARES/RACES Events this month: 852
Total Person Hours: 9076
Comments: Activations include (Montgomery/Williams) search for missing man, (Several counties) Wind and severe weather damage, FEMA Nuclear plant drills, Rickenbacker airport drill, (Athens) major water problem brought ARES members in to help move water supplies. I believe this may be a record high manpower month in Ohio.
Submitted by and call-sign: Stan Broadway N8BHL

Ohio’s OES Report:
PS Hours
EM Hours
Hours Net Participation

Hi all! Very busy month as you would expect!  Overall, Ohio ARES reported the following activity:

Tests/Drills:  183   for 4799/5 manhours
Public Service: 78 events for 2121 manhours
Emergencies: 28 for 232 manhours

Total ARES activities: 852 with 9076 manhours.

And here’s the county comments. There are some ~really~ interesting events here, including another example of ARES members helping to move water supplies!
Well done to all, and my heartfelt thanks for service your communities in this fashion!

District 1
Totals include figures from the District 1 Skywarn Net. Increase in membership is due to re-evaluation of the Wood County membership role and several new members picked up from Field Day. I want to than Darl Deeds NA8W for his work as EC for Hancock County. It has been my personal pleasure working with Darl and I wish him the best in his retirement. In that regard I would like to welcome Evan Hartman W8KJR as the new EC for Hancock County. Evan has been an AEC for Hancock County and I look forward to working with Evan.
District 2
Defiance Co. experienced strong down-burst winds destroying trees and two cars in localized neighborhoods. A storm spotter net was active during this event and damage reports were sent to the NWS.
Williams Co. ran a VEC session yielding 3 new licensees
Van Wert Co. provided communications for their annual Peony Parade.
District 3
Champaign: Field Day at the Champaign County fairgrounds!
Clark, Darke, Logan, Shelby: No comments
Greene: NETS: GCARES Voice, GCARES Mesh, GCARES Digital, Bellbrook ARC, Upper Valley ARC (Fairborn) - - - PUBLIC SERVICE: Bike MS Dayton (06/05/2016) - - - EMERGENCY: Greene County Skywarn Watch/Warning
Miami: MCES ARES/RACES Net 145.23-: 6/2, 6/9, 6/16, 6/23, 6/30, MCES ARES/RACES Net 147.21+: 6/5, 6/12, 6/19, 6/24. The Miami County Amateur Radio Club held a Field Day event with 16 in attendance with several hours spent going thru the steps of making a 40 and 20 meter dipole along with training newly lic operators in tuning dipole antennas. These same two antennas where then used during the Field Day event. Photos can be found on the W8FW website at The ARES/RACES members support two several weather events this month, with no damage from ether event.
Montgomery: MoCo ARES held 3 voice nets, 3 digital nets, and had our General Membership Meeting. On June 2nd, we had an all be it brief activation. The Montgomery County EMA received a request from Warren County EMA for Personnel to assist with a missing person search. The target was a 78 y/o man with Alzheimer last seen about 9:10am at a McDonalds on SR 123 in Franklin, Warren County, Ohio. While arriving at the Command Post and checking in the man was located by the University of Dayton Police in the parking lot some 25 miles away where he had last been seen just before 2pm. We also participated with The Great Ohio Bicycle Adventure that had 1600 cyclist which passed through Montgomery County for 4 days of their week long trip, including early Thursday, June 28th when a strong storm system came through our area. We had a total of 20 volunteer who worked 151 man hours for the event. We would like to thank all of our volunteers as well as Dayton Amateur Radio Association and Germantown Amateur Radio Society for assisting to find those volunteers and we also give thanks to the Miami Valley RF Group and Mound Amateur Radio Association for the use of their repeater during the event.

Preble: This was a very buys month for Preble county. We participated in two SKYWARN activations, GOBA assistance in the county and ARRL Fielday. All a great success. Special thanks to KD8QFM Brian for his support on GOBA and Dave KD8TAF (Preble EMA dir.). Fielday is more than a contest. We use it as a legitimate test of ARES capabilities. As always most things went well and some things did not. Special thanks goes out to the Gasper TWP fire dept and Fire Chief Mike Jefferies (KC8NZT-AEC) who hosted Preble county fielday. A delicious meal was prepaired and the on station fire/emt personal joined in with us.

District 4
The DEC was able to visit 8 Field Day sites in 5 of the 8 counties. I could write an article on the positive things I saw at so many locations. Hamilton County was pleased to host the SEC at their recent EC/AEC meeting. A little \"outside\" perspective is never a bad thing. E-ops hours were to support the NWS office in Wilmington.
Butler County: Members helped provide communication for the 2016 GOBA which had its Base Camp for the first time in the City of Hamilton. Members maned the ARECC at Butler Tech throughout the week providing Net Control and coordinating with the other Counties involved. All and all a big success with a Big THANK YOU by Jeff N8SUZ for all the help.
District 5
Summit County - KA8OAD - A couple of us went to the Summit County chapter of the Red Cross to test what repeaters we could hit from the Red Cross in preparation for the upcoming RNC.
Stark County - N8ATZ - Stark County ARES completed 4 public service nets for the month of June that totaled 126 check-ins. There were no public service events during the month except many ARES members participated in Field Day weekend activities with several Stark Co clubs practicing their emergency preparedness skills. Efforts are still underway to prepare for our annual Profootball HOF Festival. The Community Parade will be on Sunday, July 24th.
Columbiana County - KB8HTU - Completed FEMA evaluated drills with Beaver Valley Power Station, Columbiana County EMA, and various Fire Depts. Provided comm from care and reception centers interfacing with The Red Cross. Provided both voice and digital communications from the field sites to EMA.
District 6
WAYNE Annual 100 mile run event presented new challenges and opportunities. Challenge was to log runners at net control so that location of runners can be determined. Planned on separate repeater for data until found out the night before that the power was very low. Backup was antenna on fire tower and operating simplex from the bottom. One station used FLDIGI very successfully. Others photographed log sheets and text messaged them to net control. Again, no major medical issues. RICHLAND COUNTY ARES GROUP HELD FIELD DAY IN SOUTH PARK IN MANSFIELD OHIO OT TO MIX 1800 TO RECENT TECHNOLOGY WE OPERATED OUT OF A WAR OF 1812 BLOCKHOUSE AND IN THE ERA FROM JOHNNY APPLESEED WAS A GREAT TIME HAVE INCLUDED WITH FILE
District 7
Marion County-- June was a busy month for the Marion ARES crew. It started the first Saturday with the ARES providing route security for the Hot Tamale Bike Tour. For those who don’t know what that is, the HOT stands for Heart of Ohio Tailwinds, the Marion Bike Club. TAMALE is Tour Around Marion At Low Elevation, because most of the route is very flat. The tour has four loops, an eight mile, 16 mile, 32 mile and 64 mile and attracts several hundred bicycle riders every year. It is a great training exercise for our group and the bike club along with the riders appreciate the fact we are there along the route. June brought a couple of weather events where standby nets were established, however, we dodged the bullet on both, and the most severe weather went to our South. June means Field Day and AEC Don Freeman, KD8BKT did a great job of planning the event this year. He took charge of everything from planning for the pulled pork dinner along with pot luck from the group, which we all know is the most important part of Field Day, to bringing the ARES EMCOMM trailer and planning the antenna locations for all the stations operating on site. Another big thanks goes to Clint Canterbury, KD8UUF, who besides being an ARES member, is also Chief of the First Consolidated Fire Department, for allowing us to use the facilities at their Station Three for our Field Day site. He also volunteered the use of one of their large mobile generators which was put to good use.
Madison Co. no report
DELAWARE CO-- The Delaware ARES continues a summer of activities and is closely involved with our city and county first responders planning for a very large regional triathlon. Known as the Ironman 70.2 the August 21st event will see more than 2,000 competitors swim, bike and run for a total of 70.2 miles. Covering three counties we are working closely with the Marion and Morrow County ARES groups to provide extensive coverage with Mesh video from several critical locations.
FRANKLIN CO-- Franklin County ARES enlisted the Franklin County Mesh Team as part of the Rickenbacker FAA mandated Airport Drill to provide live video back to the Port Columbus EOC. Those in the EOC shared positive comments in the ability to watch the Coroner's Team on-site.
KNOX CO-- The group helped with the Tour de Cure bike event. We continue to grow our leadership team and work with our county EMA on several projects.
LICKING CO-- Licking County had a busy June! We had 14 members help with the Tour de Cure event and 3 members help with the 5k Jail Break event, both were the same day and were successful events, there were no serious injuries that were reported in Licking Co. for the Tour de Cure, several riders stopped mid course on the 60 & 100 mile due to the heat. EMA director Sean Grady thanked us for our participation and support for the Jail Break 5k run. Field Day was a success as well for the Licking Co. clubs. Thanks for everybody’s participation and support and thanks to all who visited Field Day.
District 8
Counties reporting: Athens, Hocking, Lawrence, Pike, Ross EC comments:
Athens: Jeff Slattery, N8SUZ and Jan Slattery, KD8PUJ provided communications support for Great Ohio Bicycle Adventure in southwest Ohio. Athens County ARA participated in Field Day from Athens County Fairgrounds. Sunday Creek Amateur Radio Federation did Field Day from Burr Oak Lake State Park. Hocking: Hocking county had a very well attended Field Day that was again held in our EMA club room and adjacent parking lot with our new ECOM trailer. We did not have the best of luck with contacts due to poor band conditions after dark but we had a lot of fun, a wonderful potluck dinner and great fellowship. Some of our man power was pulled away to assist with a city wide emergency caused by a major water leak the day before. It left Logan, Enterprise and Rockbridge with no water for two days and a boil alert for several more days. A couple of operators volunteered to assist with passing out bottled water at the fairgrounds on both Saturday and Sunday. Although the ham club nor AREAS were ever requested we did utilize our ham radios for a few logistic communications. So those hours are included in this report. 73 to all!
Lawrence: good testing,county wide drill DEC comments: Several area hams have been participating in National Parks on the Air along the National Trail at Burr Oak Lake State Park, Hopewell Culture in Chillicothe and Put-In-Bay Perry National Monument.
District 9
COSHOCTON CO: Main event of the month was field day of course. A dozen ARES participated with the Coshocton County Amateur Assoc. W8CCĂ€. We had a great time. It was a good exercise for all. The EMA Director attended as well. Over the last several months ARES has had meetings each month before club meetings. Thanks to AB8RR for arranging for several laptops for ARES to use. We Applied FLDIGI to each and other programs of importance. Lastly, AB8SV conducted an ARES net from the station at the Sheriff Dept. We made use of the calling tree for a practice too. 9 events, 166 hours. EC Steve Wheatcraft, AA8BN
GUERNSEY CO: Conducted a full 24 hour 3A field day operation with 18 ARES members involved. 7 ARES members supported the local Relay for Life event. Also, 7 ARES members conducted a Roadside clean up. 7 events, 265 hours. EC Richard W. Wayt, WD8SDH
MONROE CO: Report for June 2016. The Monroe County EOC was active all night on June 22 and the early morning hours of June 23 due to severe weather in our area. The Monroe County EMA and Belmont County EMA maintained contact via 2meters during the severe weather as a means to keep each other updated on watches and warnings as they approached our area. Operations began at 7:00pm on June 22 and ended at around 3:00am on June 23. Communications were conducted on the Belmont County 145.210 repeater. Also on June 18th the Monroe County EMA and the Belmont County EMA conducted a test to see if we were able to communicate on simplex which we were able to do so. 2 events, 9 hours. EC Jeremey C Taylor, KD8MTK
MUSKINGUM CO: Field day was an all solar, battery training for members. Though field day went well it was followed by the loss of WD8BXU, one of our members. Our condolences are with his daughter, KD8WUN. 5 events, 10 hours. EC Elizabeth Nichols, KC8SIQ
A group of new amateur radio operators are becoming active in Morgan County. Also have received an application to take over EC function for the county. This is the first radio hams within Morgan county to become many years. DEC G. Sonny Alfman.
District 10
June was busy with Field Day, and preparations for the RNC. July will be crazy busy with the RNC and POHR. Preparations are also underway for the Burke Airport Mass Casualty Drill on Aug 6. ***
Ashtabula County: Jun has been a fun month! With the weather being warm and dry we have had plenty of time to work on our antennas, our mobile setups and the works. Field Day 2016 went well! We scaled some aspects of our operation down in an effort to streamline things. This proved to work out well. We were also blessed to have close to a dozen visitors show up and even a young man who attended and took his tech test and passed on his first try! KD8OSZ has stepped up and taken WD8PVB\'s place as net control for our weekly net and is doing a great job. Here\'s to hoping for a great July!! 
Cuyahoga County: Many ARES members participated in local field day events. Preparations are tentatively finalized for the RNC. All EOC staffing is full. Red Cross has openings only for backup operators. Comms plan has been finalized and we are ready to go!
Geauga County: The 194th Great Geauga County Fair is coming up, September 1-5 all day. Geauga County ARES has two major responsibilities: Driving golf carts to help people get to and from their vehicles in the parking lot and to get around the fairgrounds, and walking the fairgrounds to provide extra eyes and ears for the Sheriff's Office. Last year, we responded to a call on the Sheriff channel for a lost child, and one of our volunteers found the child and brought him safely to the deputies. This is the second time we have found a lost child before the deputies. We need a lot of volunteers for this operation, so please get the word out and check out to get on our mailing list.
Lake County: ARES started the month with the Lake Health 1/2 Marathon. Then the Sunday in June Bike ride out of Burton Ohio covering courses of 25, 40 , 62 and 100 miles, then Lake History Center Civil War Encampment, Oh yeah then there was this ARES thing called Field Day, operating 6 Alpha. We ended the month providing communications for assembling the Fairport Harbor Mardi Gras parade. July looks to be much slower.
Lorain County: No Comments.
Medina County: Field Day moved and changes made in many areas. New people helped in many areas such as setup and operating.