Monday, March 12, 2018

February Section Emergency Coordinator's Report

ARRL Ohio Section - FSD-96
Month: February
Year: 2018
Total Number of ARES Members: 1712
Change since last month: 25
Number of DEC's / EC's reporting this month: 10
Number of ARES Nets active: 598
Number of Nets active with NTS Liaisons: varies
Call-signs of DEC's / EC's reporting: WD8PNZ W8UY W8LLY N8TFD ASI8P W8DLB KB8YMN N8SUZ W8FHF N8AUC
Number of drills, tests and training sessions this month: 762
Person Hours: 3795
Number of Public Service Events this month: 42
Person Hours: 307
Number of Emergency Operations this month: 5
Person Hours: 169
Total number of ARES/RACES Events this month: 810
Total Person Hours: 4271
Submitted by and call-sign: Stan Broadway N8BHL

Here’s the February Report for the OES’s..

PS Hours
EM Hours
Hours Net Participation

Hi all!  Wow!  It’s great to see some really increased training numbers this month!   Excellent work to all!

We did have some of the flooding hours in this report, most will be in the March report, I’m sure. Again, many thanks to all of you who participated- either stand-by or by actually deploying. Each mode is vitally important. Another “Well Done!”

Please make your plans now to attend the Ohio ARES Conference April 7, at Marion Technical College/ OSU Marion. We’ll open doors around 8, and we’ll be done and out by 5!  In between will be some really valuable information you can take back to your counties. – What’s in store for ARES nationally? Come get an inside peek!  How are we going to participate as a BETA state in some of this activity?  How is it in the “real trenches?”- a report from George Reidel who deployed to St Marks, only to be caught in the second hurricane!

This is “Must Do” for EC’s, AEC’s and all ARES management team members- but it’s equally valuable for any amateur operator-  ALL ARE WELCOME!    Register on the page to give us an idea of attendance. The room holds 150 comfortable (in the big cushy chairs) and more if needed in the pit. We’re not quite halfway full- so make your plans now!

NVIS Day is April 28!!  Get ready to have some fun!

Ohio ARES Monthly Activities
February, 2018

District 1
 Totals include figures from the Northwest Ohio Traffic and Training Net and District 1 Skywarn.

Distsrict 2
(No comments submitted)

District 3
DISTRICT 3 SUMMARY:  100% of Nine Counties reporting: 294 Members (-2 change), 99 Total Events (60 Voice Net Sessions, 13 Digital Net Sessions, 25 Meetings-Drills-Training-Tests, 1 Public Service Events and 0 Emergency Operations for 659 Total Man-Hours.

CHAMPAIGN COUNTY:  (22 members, +1):  4 weekly voice net sessions and 2 other ARES events for a total of 4 events and 40 man-hours.

CLARK COUNTY:  (33 members):  3 weekly net sessions and 0 other ARES events for a total of 5 events and 46 man-hours.

DARKE COUNTY:  (12 members, 0 change):  4 weekly voice net sessions, 0 Public Service Event, 0 Emergency Operations and 1 other ARES events for a total of 5 events and 37 man-hours.

GREENE COUNTY:  (55 members, -1 change):  20 weekly voice net sessions, 4 weekly digital net sessions, 0 Public Service Event, 0 Emergency Operations and 15 other ARES related activities for a total of 39 events and 297 man-hours.
Comments:  Weekly Net participation: GCARES, GCARES/MVMA Mesh Discussion, BARC, UVARC, GCARES Digital, Dayton East Emergency Response Net (DEER), OHDEN & OH EM. PREP, D3. Other activity: Continuing Mesh and Winlink maintenance, demonstrations, testing & training, license classes, served agency training, CERT training.

LOGAN COUNTY (RACES UNIT):  (10 members):  4 weekly voice net sessions and 1 other RACES activity for a total of 5 events and 17 man-hours.

MIAMI COUNTY:  (25 members):  10 weekly voice nets, 4 weekly digital nets, 0 Public Service, 0 Emergency Operations and 0 other ARES events for a total of 14 events and 44 man-hours.
Comments:  MCES ARES/RACES Net 145.23(-): 2/4, 2/11, 2/18, 2/25, 147.21 (+): 2/1, 2/8, 2/15, 2/22 Four Digital nets using MT63-2KL on 145.23 on 2/4, 2/11, 2/189, 2/25. Held two nets using Wires X on 2/11, 2/25

MONTGOMERY COUNTY:  (82 members, -2 change):  3 weekly voice net sessions, 3 weekly digital net sessions, 0 Public Service Events, 0 Emergency Operations and 1 other ARES related events for a total of 7 events and 64 man-hours. 
Comments: MoCo ARES held its Community Meeting on 2/27. Program was on FLDIGI and its various sub software. Several members brought in their radio go kits. March and April will be busy with Skywarn training and several PSE.

PREBLE COUNTY:  (16 members):  4 weekly net sessions; 0 Public Service Event, 0 Emergency Operations and 4 other ARES events for a total of 8 events and 8 man-hours.
Comments:  No Activity this month. Winter schedule.

SHELBY COUNTY:  (39 members):  4 weekly net sessions; 2 digital net sessions; 1 Public Service Event; 0 Emergency Operations and 1 other ARES event for a total of 8 events and 78 man-hours.
Comments: Feb. 21 SCARES introduces Cub Scout Pack 355, Ft. Loramie, Ohio to amateur radio and Emer Comm Vehicle. Feb. 25 SCARES Monthly meeting and training. 4 weekly voice nets and 2 bi- monthly digital nets

DISTRICT 3 ACTIVITIES:  4 District 3 ARES weekly voice net sessions for a total of 4 events and 28 man-hours.

District 4
Butler County tried to meet but was "weathered out" of their meeting location. A lot of "standby" in Brown and Hamilton Counties in response to flooding at the end of the month. Much of the time logged for this will be reflected in the March report. From Hamilton County: Exercise & training: POD Exercise; WARN spotter training, Simplex contest,ICs classes. Many local, state and national nets members checked into. POTUS/FLOTUS visit to the Cincinnati area. 

District 5
Summit County, Ken Dorsey, KA8OAD Covered ICS-200 at this months meeting for our members who have not yet completed their ICS courses.

Stark County, Terry Russ, N8ATZ Stark County ARES completed 4 public service nets for the month of February that totaled 104 check-ins. There were no public service activities during the month. We continue to revise our roster per the new guidelines as more members work to achieve Tier 1 status. Our county EMA office has scheduled an ICS-200 training class for April 18th. Additional training classes are pending.

District 6
no Crawford County Report

District 7
Licking County: Had a lot of rain fall in Licking Co, with some light flooding and the EC Bret KD8SCL was on stand by in case needed at the EOC, he also recorded 7.81" of rain at his QTH for the last 31 days. Updates on the roster continues. 2018 is looking to be a busy year with events and EOC move. Looking forward to the upcoming NWS Spotter Training coming up next month for Licking Co. and hope everyone is able to attend. DMR is really starting to take off here in the county with several members getting their ID and getting on the air and was able to check in to the Ohio ARES net, looking forward to get our own net going on DMR in the near future.

Franklin County: February training involved learning about the public safety radio system in Franklin County and the partnership with Ohio MARCS. Part two of this training will be hands-on with radio equipment in the Franklin County EMA and understanding radio templates.

The Union County EMA is going to be moving EMA Station 720 in the near future. We have been helping plan for the move into a different building which will also include moving 2 repeaters plus the HF and UHF/VHF amateur radio gear along with the EMA high band and marcs radios. We met at the new location last week to come up with a good layout/plan for the radio room. Many thanks to Stan, N8BHL for being there to help with that process. We have been doing our Monday night weekly training sessions. We did not meet the first Monday of the month and decided not to meet on the first Monday of the month for training. The Technician class the Union County Amateur Radio Club is putting on has been well attended. We are on our 5th class next week and should be ready for a test session soon. The class size has been 20 - 25 people for each one which is great! I am hoping to get some of the new hams from the class interested in weather spotting and participating in a skywarn net. 

The Central Ohio Severe Weather Network is going to give a talk/presentation at the Union County Amateur Radio Club meeting March 6th. I invited the technician class to the meeting. This will be followed by weather spotter training in Union County April 11th at 6:30pm at the Union County Services Building at 940 London Ave in Marysville. Our goal is to get a more active weather spotting group going here in Union County. The UCARC voice nets this month have not all been reported so that number is down some. Attached are some pictures of the technician class from Feb 28th 73, -Ed Comments: Madison County: We had SkyWarn training on 2/14 at the EMA office with about 30 people attending, including 5 ARES members. 

District 8
Counties reporting: Athens, Gallia, Hocking, Jackson, Lawrence, Pike, Ross,Scioto Vinton. EC comments:

Athens: Several hams kept on standby for possible Red Cross shelter activation.

Gallia: Members are still working on NIMS - working on setting up a weekly ARES radio net. Also working to set up a monthly ARES meeting at a regular date. These items will be performed by our new ARES EC, Pat Day KC8YOQ.

Lawrence: Mike Love, WB8YKS, Mike Sullivan, KN4IMU, and Eddie Jenkins, N8URU helped EMA Director Mike Boster with Damage Assessments from the latest flood event. The group worked with the New Hope United Methodist Church, which was distributing flood clean up kits to disaster victims. Ross: Held two technician classes at the end of February-nine students!

Scioto: Scioto County Flood Emergency February 18-25th, 2018 Scioto EOC activation and Communications checks and relays. Scioto EMA/EOC recognized by Governor for proactive response for flooding emergency. ARES proud to be part of the operations. EMA said they were very appreciative of the team action for the emergency event.

Vinton : Nothing to report. DEC comments:D8 ECs were kept up to date regarding flood potential via NWS hazardous weather outlook and and advanced hydrology prediction service projections.

District 9
COSHOCTON CO: Monthly ARES meeting conducted.... EMA once again asked ARES for rain gauge reports. ..Thank you AEC, KC8PUW, Will, who went to Guernsey county ARES and demonstrated Fldigi and flmsg for that ARES group..... Thank the Coshocton County Sheriff Dept. for their extra support this month of our ARES group. EC: AA8BN, Coshocton Co........ .....

GUERENSEY CO: The monthly training was a presentation of digital modes by Will, KC8PUW of the Coshocton ARES group. AEC Mark,KC8SBB is working on updating the ARES members in the telephone notification system "RAVE". AEC Bruce, N8JMK attended a briefing at the EOC on Feb 23 concerning the flooding. The EC Dick, WD8SDH attended the county communications meeting on Feb 14. EC WD8SDH, Guernsey Co. .............

JEFFFERSON CO: Working with local EMA to develop better interaction during potential incidents (such as recent flooding), further enhancing our operations at EOC by installing packet equipment. Beginning training for traffic handling in March. EC: N8CUX, Jefferson Co...............

MORGAN CO: No comments. EC: KD8RW, Morgan Co..............

MUSKINGUM CO: No Comments. EC: KD8TNL, Muskingum Co..............

NOBLE CO: No Comments. EC: KD8OSI, Noble Co................

WASHINGTON CO: Monitored Rivers Levels along with DMR 3139 talk group during recent flooding. Despite higher predictions minimal flooding took place along Ohio River and Muskingum Rivers. Also looking into further developing ARES interest in Washington County. EC: W8JTW, Washington Co.

District 10
District 10: Save the date! Ohio ARES Conference April 7 in Marion. Be there or be square! NVIS Day coming up on April 28! Big fun! ***

Ashtabula County: No comments submitted. ***

Cuyahoga County: Activities included Winter Field Day and a training on HF antennas. ***

Geauga County: No comments submitted. ***

Lake County: No comments submitted. ***

Lorain County: No comments submitted. ***

Medina County: Adding tier one every couple months lately. Some comm unit people are working on mesh linked cameras for future use. Dave,NF8O has been putting in lots of hours at the EMA.