Thursday, February 20, 2014

Week 8 of the Section Emergency Coordinators Notes..

Ohio SEC Notes & Stuff - Week 8 - 2014
Ohio HF Emergency Preparedness Net. Tues at 7PM on 3850 kHz (+/-)
Ohio Digital Emergency Net (OHDEN) Tues at 8PM. 3585 kHz and 7072 kHz USB.
Ross T. Stillisano KB8JTZ Memorial Award Winner: David Rickon NF8O, of Medina, OH

Greetings and salutations from the Northeast corner of the Buckeye State where the
temperature is 39 degrees and raining.

Many thanks to the Western Reserve Amateur Radio Club for having me at their recent club
meeting. It was fun, had a great time, and I look forward to my next visit.

Many thanks to everyone who attended the ARES Forum at the Mansfield Hamfest. We had
great attendance and there wouldn't be any forum without you.

There will be another ARES Forum at the Toledo Hamfest in Perrysburg on Sunday, March
16th. Check out for hamfest details. This forum will be especially
important as I'll be announcing details from the Ohio ARES Leadership meeting.

Just a reminder, the Ohio ARES leadership meeting will be held on Saturday, March 15th at
the State of Ohio Emergency Operations Center. Meeting starts at 10AM and will conclude
at 3PM. This meeting is for all those who hold ARES appointments including Assistant
Emergency Coordinators and Official Emergency Stations. There's quite a bit on the
agenda so please ensure your county and district is represented at this annual meeting.

DEC Eric Jessen N8AUC writes...
Ohio ARES Tenth District will be holding a Special Training Event on Saturday, March 1,
2014. This training is offered free of charge to all interested radio amateurs. The
location will be the Lubrizol Conference Room at Tri-Point Medical Center. This link will
get you to a map of the location, along with available driving directions. Click on the
link, and scroll down to the bottom of the page.
locations/tripoint-medical-center. Doors will open at about 8:30AM for coffee and
donuts, with the actual training beginning at 9:00AM. Lunch will be provided to all
attendees, and you should be on your way home before 4:00PM. Since lunch will be
provided, and the room only holds 68 people, advance registration is required. After all,
we need to know how much food to have on hand. You can register for this event at Just click on the link, and a form will pop up. Fill
it in, and you’re good to go. Contact me directly if you have any questions. Hope to see
YOU there!!!

In final...
There are many public service events scheduled throughout the year. These events rely or
depend on amateur radio for situational awareness among other things. These events need
your help. Please get in touch with your Emergency Coordinator or District Emergency
Coordinator to find out when they are. Mark the dates down on your calendar so you can
plan accordingly.

That's all I have for this week. Thank you for everything you do for amateur radio.

Matthew Welch W8DEC
Ohio Section Emergency Coordinator
ARRL - The national association for AMATEUR RADIO™