Ohio SEC Notes & Stuff - Week 5 - 2014
For public distribution. Please forward as appropriate.
These notes will also be available on the ARES page at www.arrl-ohio.org
Ohio HF Emergency Preparedness Net. Tues at 7PM on 3850 kHz (+/-) Ohio Digital Emergency Net (OHDEN) Tues at 8PM. 3585 kHz and 7072 kHz USB.
Ross T. Stillisano KB8JTZ Memorial Award Winner: David Rickon NF8O, of Medina, OH
Greetings and salutations from the Northeast corner of the Buckeye State where the temperature is 27 degrees and cloudy.
In the last few Ohio SEC Notes & Stuff, I've been asking ARES volunteers to please contact their County ARES Emergency Coordinator and verify their contact information. If you have done this yet, please make it a point to do so. It should only take a few minutes.
If you are unsure who your Emergency Coordinator or District Emergency Coordinator is, there is a complete listing on the Ohio Section website www.arrl-ohio.org.
It is my pleasure to announce the appointment of Robert Jostes KD8GPG, of Marysville, Ohio, to the position of Emergency Coordinator for Union County in District 7. Please join me in welcoming him by sending him an email to rjostes@hotmail.com.
It is my pleasure to announce the appointment of Scott Hixon KC8ITN, of Stoutsville, Ohio, to the position of Emergency Coordinator for Pickaway County in District 7. Please join me in welcoming him by sending him an email to kc8itn@arrl.net.
There will be an ARES Forum at the Mansfield Hamfest at the Richland County Fairgrounds on Sunday, February 16th at 9AM. All past, present, and future ARES volunteers are encouraged to attend. There will also be an ARRL Forum at 10AM.
The Assistant Section Emergency Coordinators and I are available to visit your club meeting or ARES meeting. Feel free to contact any one of us to set that up.
In final, the Amateur Radio Emergency Service is more proactive than reactive. Proactive is what can be done now such as preparation and planning. This includes my good friend TED. Reactive is taking all that preparation and planning and putting it to work.
What is TED? T = Training is what is learned in a classroom or in the field. E = Exercises are designed to practice what was learned. D = Drills are designed to assess and evaluate whether or not more training is required.
That's all for this week. Thank you for everything you do for amateur radio.
73 de Matt W8DEC