Ohio SEC Notes & Stuff - Week 4 - 2014
For public distribution. Please forward as appropriate.
These notes will also be available on the ARES page at www.arrl-ohio.org
Ohio HF Emergency Preparedness Net. Tues at 7PM on 3850 kHz (+/-) and 7240 kHz LSB
Ohio Digital Emergency Net (OHDEN) Tues at 8PM. 3585 kHz and 7072 kHz USB.
Ross T. Stillisano KB8JTZ Memorial Award Winner: David Rickon NF8O, of Medina, OH
Greetings and salutations from the Northeast corner of the Buckeye State where it's 10 degrees and snowing.
Check out the information I just posted at http://ohiosectionares.blogspot.com/ regarding the Ohio HF Emergency Preparedness Net.
I am so looking forward to this event! Winter Field Day is this Saturday, January 25th and Sunday the 26th. The event starts at Noon on Saturday and concludes at Noon on Sunday. Check out their website http://www.spar-hams.org/contests/winterfd/index.php for more details. I wish everyone good luck. Stay warm and drink plenty of fluids. Despite cold temperatures, it's still easy to become dehydrated.
Tuesday, January 28th, A few ARES leaders and I will be participating in a Volunteer and Donations Management workshop (G-288) at the State of Ohio Emergency Operations Center.
Attention ARES volunteers! Have you been in contact with your Emergency Coordinator and verify your contact information? Phone numbers? Email addresses? Please make it a point to get that done, it not done so already. I really do not want to belabor the point but this is important. It will only take a few minutes to knock this out.
Saturday, March 15th is the ARES Leadership Meeting at the State of Ohio Emergency Operations Center from 10am to 3pm. All Emergency Coordinators are asked to make sure your county is represented at this meeting. All District EC's are asked to ensure your district is represented. Assistant Emergency Coordinators and Official Emergency Stations are encouraged to attend.
In final, I am speaking to the ARES volunteers...should a conflict arise in your county ARES team, I recommend taking that up with your Emergency Coordinator. If your EC is not successful in conflict resolution, he or she should involve their District Emergency Coordinator. Should that not be successful or more guidance is necessary, the DEC should bring it to the attention of the Section Emergency Coordinator. If warranted, I will bring it to the attention of the Ohio Section Manager. Very rarely does it come to my attention because we have great District Emergency Coordinators in place. But it's important for the ARES volunteer to understand they are not alone. If you ever need help, all you have to is ask. "One Band, One Sound."
That's all I have for this week. Thank you for everything you do for amateur radio. Have a nice weekend and I look forward to hearing you on the air for Winter Field Day!
73 de Matt W8DEC