Friday, October 11, 2013

Week 41 - SEC weekly notes..

Ohio SEC Notes & Stuff - Week 41 - 2013

For public distribution.  Please forward as appropriate.

These notes will also be available on the ARES page at Ohio Digital Emergency Net (OHDEN) <>  Tues at 8PM. 3585 kHz and 7072 kHz  Upper Side Band.

Ohio HF Net by W8SGT.  Tues at 7PM on 3875 kHz and 7240 kHz Lower Side Band.

Preparedness Leads to Readiness

At the time of this writing, we're 19 hours 28 minutes until the ARRL Ohio Section Statewide Simulated Emergency Test.  I wish everyone the best of luck in the Statewide SET.  I hope your goals are met, objectives are achieved, basics are reviewed, skills are learned, and most of all I hope you have some fun.  Please note my contact information is correct on the Ohio Section roster < hint >.

I am on staff for a boy scout event this weekend at Camp Stambaugh in Canfield, OH (Mahoning County).  However, I brought my go box and HF equipment.  I am planning to participate locally in the Statewide Simulated Emergency Test and monitor HF frequencies.

I would also like to say best of luck to all the amateur radio volunteers who will be assisting in the Northern Ohio Marathon on Sunday, 10/13/2013.

This is Lake County's first marathon!

The ARRL Ohio Section March ARES Leadership Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, March 15th from 10AM to 3PM at the State of Ohio Emergency Operations Center in Columbus, Ohio.  Although this meeting is open to ARES volunteers, it's primarily for:

Assistant Section Emergency Coordinators District Emergency Coordinators Assistant District Emergency Coordinators Emergency Coordinators Assistant Emergency Coordinators Official Emergency Stations

We're up to 85 registered (including myself) for the All Ohio ARES Conference on Saturday, November 9th at the Ohio Fire Academy in Reynoldsburg, Ohio.  Plan of the Day (agenda) will be posted next week on the ARES page on the Ohio Section website

Words of encouragement...

Do your best in the SET on Saturday.  Train how you practice.  Practice how you train.  Work together as a team.  Don't be afraid to ask questions.

It's ok to make mistakes.  It's better to make mistakes now than in an actual emergency or disaster.  Good luck to everyone.

That's all for this week.  I thank you for everything you do for amateur radio.

73 de Matt W8DEC