Ladies and gentlemen, we are less than 5 weeks away from the ARES conference of all ARES conferences in the Ohio Section!
The All Ohio ARES Conference will be held on Saturday, November 9th at the Ohio Fire Academy in Reynoldsburg, Ohio. The address is 8895 East Main Street, Reynoldsburg, OH 46068. There are several hot topics this year.
First and foremost, the ARRL Board of Directors approved the All Ohio ARES Conference as a specialty convention. Many thanks to Ohio SM Frank KI8GW and Great Lakes Division Director Jim K8JE for their support in this effort. So the conference became eligible for a guest speaker from ARRL HQ. With the hard work and determination of our illustrious Ohio Section Manager Frank KI8GW, our keynote speaker is Steve Ewald WV1X who is the Field Organization Supervisor at ARRL HQ in Newington, CT. I have seen Steve's presentation at other conferences and I think you will enjoy it.
There will be one of the largest go box displays this section has ever seen! There will be emcomm vehicles / trailers on display including the new Dayton Amateur Radio Association Communications Truck! Didn't see it or tour it at Hamvention 2013? No worries, it will be at the All Ohio ARES Conference! There is a full agenda of programs and presentations. What are they, you ask? The schedule is in the midst of being finalized and will be posted on the ARES page on the Ohio Section website. An announcement will be made when that happens. All participants are asked to register online at There is a link on the right hand side of the page. Click on it to register. Online registration is important so the proper amount of food can be purchased. It also tells me if you're bringing a go box and/or communications vehicle/trailer.
Volunteer Exam Session at 0800 (8AM) at the All Ohio ARES Conference.
Interested in upgrading or taking your technician license exam? Click on this LINK <>for details. Many thanks to Muskingum EC Kathy KB3RDR and her team for making this happen again this year!
Last but not least, I have four ARRL gift certificates to give away at the All Ohio ARES Conference. Register online, come to the conference, have a great time, and you might just be the winner of one of the gift certificates. You can't possibly win if you do not attend!
73 de Matt W8DEC