Ohio SEC Notes & Stuff -
Week 49 - 2013
For public distribution. Please forward as appropriate.
These notes will also be available on the ARES page at www.arrl-ohio.org
Ohio HF Net by W8SGT. Tues at 7PM on 3875 kHz and 7240 kHz LSB.
Ohio Digital Emergency Net (OHDEN) Tues at 8PM. 3585 kHz and 7072 kHz USB.
For public distribution. Please forward as appropriate.
These notes will also be available on the ARES page at www.arrl-ohio.org
Ohio HF Net by W8SGT. Tues at 7PM on 3875 kHz and 7240 kHz LSB.
Ohio Digital Emergency Net (OHDEN) Tues at 8PM. 3585 kHz and 7072 kHz USB.
Ross T. Stillisano KB8JTZ
Memorial Award Winner: David Rickon NF8O, of Medina, OH
Greetings and salutations from the Northeast corner of the Buckeye State. Can you believe this weather? 60 degrees one day and 35 the next! I think Old Man Winter and Mother Nature need counseling. ;-)
December 8th, Jackie N8JMW and I are heading to Austintown (Mahoning County) to
visit the 20/9 Amateur Radio Club for their first ever combined craft show and
spaghetti dinner. The dinner runs from 11AM to 5PM and the craft show
will run from 11AM to 4PM. I think it's a great idea to do some Christmas
shopping and enjoy a wonderful meal all in the same place. See the
attached announcement below or visit their website www.20over9.org
for more details.
Yonally has made some improvements to the ARES page on the Ohio Section website
www.arrl-ohio.org. Let me know
whatcha think.
March 15th, 2014 from 10AM to 3PM is the Ohio ARES Leadership Meeting at the
State of Ohio Emergency Operations Center. All ARES leaders including
Assistant Emergency Coordinators and Official Emergency Stations are asked to
12, 13, and 14, 2014 have been selected for ARES Training Camp at Camp Falling
Rock in Newark, Ohio. I have bounced these dates off of the Emergency
Coordinators and District Emergency Coordinators and haven't seen any
scheduling conflicts. Now I am asking for your help. Please review
your calendar and advise of any scheduling conflicts. Thanks.
Anyone interested in serving on staff or willing to be an instructor are asked
to contact me at w8dec@arrl.net.
of ARES Training Camp...I have been posting a few menu items for training camp
on my Facebook page. Take a look at my Facebook page www.facebook.com/w8dec and let me know
whatcha think.
all for this week. Thanks for everything you do for amateur radio.
Have a nice weekend.
73 de Matt W8DEC