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ARES Form FSD-96
1-WD8PNZ, 2-W8UY, 3-KC8WHK, 5-KC8PD, 6-W8MLL, 7-KA8RLC,
8-N8SUZ, 9-W8FHF, 10-KD8FTS for N8AUC
No report from District 4.
See below for
Matthew Welch W8DEC / Ohio SEC
Seneca County-EC Scott Rosenburger KE8JC Report submitted by AEC Steve Tarbert KC8ZKC
We have sponsored a few classes for Tech & General tickets.
Huron County-EC Clay Benner KB8DNA Huron Co. hosted a EMA Disaster Assessment Training sesion presented by the State EMA this month. 11 Amateur Radios and several other were trained in FEMA Damage Assessment.
Sandusky County-EC David Gierhart W8DAG Reported on county weather siren alert test on March 1st. Three members attended the Ohio ARES Leadership meeting on March 15th. Skywarn training on March 25th. Four ARES nets. One new ARES member.
Hancock County-EC Darl Deeds NA8W We gained a member this month but we lost long time member K8IVP. Our digital net continues to attract new checkins using the sound card project we put together as a group last month.
Erie County-EC Bob Heim K8HLH We had 65 people for Sky-Warn training 3/20/14 for 2 hours, put on by the Cleveland NWS.
Wood County -EC Bob Schumann W8NYY Met with the Perrysburg Police Chief to discuss the installation of an emergency back-up antenna. The new Mayor of Perrysburg, Mike Olmstead, is a strong supporter of Wood County ARES and has given his approval for our go-ahead. This will be discussed at our April meeting and a plan of action will be put into place to make this happen.
this report is late because of waiting on Preble & Champaign Co. The situation with both is tenuous at best with me at this point. These figures reflect all counties except Champaign and Preble.
Columbiana County - operators standing by for siren activation for statewide tornado drill,operators at each siren monitoring for proper operation.
Crawford: Lost a valuable member recently, Mel. KA8LWR.
Knox: Had a great SKYWARN class on March 31st with nearly 40 attendees. Getting ready to enter a busy season with several events this Spring and Summer.
Marion: SKYWARN training on March 27th with 60 in attendance.
Medina: Report filed – no comment
Richland: Richland County ARES had four nets, SSKYWARN training, Malabar Bike Race and ARES Leadership Conference.
Wayne: Worked with county EMA Director to host SKYWRN training for over 100 people. Session was hosted at local college facility and they are looking forward to having us back again next year.
Wyandot: The Wyandot County Hams met at the Wyandot Memorial Hospital this month. The club discussed possible Field Day sites and reserved Wharton Park again for this year. We also discussed the up coming SKYWARN training and local Bike Tours planned for this summer. "73"
DELAWARE: This month Delaware trained on WebEOC, the software program that coordinates EOC incidents. We have ARES logins and communications slots in the program. We took advantage of the 'off season' to pull several new runs of hardline and re-arrange antenna feedlines with county support. Work continues on Broadband MESH, after the conference we added several email names to our list. We had 5 at the conference including our EMA Director. (Great job, Matt and all!)
Seneca County-EC Scott Rosenburger KE8JC Report submitted by AEC Steve Tarbert KC8ZKC
We have sponsored a few classes for Tech & General tickets.
Huron County-EC Clay Benner KB8DNA Huron Co. hosted a EMA Disaster Assessment Training sesion presented by the State EMA this month. 11 Amateur Radios and several other were trained in FEMA Damage Assessment.
Sandusky County-EC David Gierhart W8DAG Reported on county weather siren alert test on March 1st. Three members attended the Ohio ARES Leadership meeting on March 15th. Skywarn training on March 25th. Four ARES nets. One new ARES member.
Hancock County-EC Darl Deeds NA8W We gained a member this month but we lost long time member K8IVP. Our digital net continues to attract new checkins using the sound card project we put together as a group last month.
Erie County-EC Bob Heim K8HLH We had 65 people for Sky-Warn training 3/20/14 for 2 hours, put on by the Cleveland NWS.
Wood County -EC Bob Schumann W8NYY Met with the Perrysburg Police Chief to discuss the installation of an emergency back-up antenna. The new Mayor of Perrysburg, Mike Olmstead, is a strong supporter of Wood County ARES and has given his approval for our go-ahead. This will be discussed at our April meeting and a plan of action will be put into place to make this happen.
this report is late because of waiting on Preble & Champaign Co. The situation with both is tenuous at best with me at this point. These figures reflect all counties except Champaign and Preble.
Columbiana County - operators standing by for siren activation for statewide tornado drill,operators at each siren monitoring for proper operation.
Crawford: Lost a valuable member recently, Mel. KA8LWR.
Knox: Had a great SKYWARN class on March 31st with nearly 40 attendees. Getting ready to enter a busy season with several events this Spring and Summer.
Marion: SKYWARN training on March 27th with 60 in attendance.
Medina: Report filed – no comment
Richland: Richland County ARES had four nets, SSKYWARN training, Malabar Bike Race and ARES Leadership Conference.
Wayne: Worked with county EMA Director to host SKYWRN training for over 100 people. Session was hosted at local college facility and they are looking forward to having us back again next year.
Wyandot: The Wyandot County Hams met at the Wyandot Memorial Hospital this month. The club discussed possible Field Day sites and reserved Wharton Park again for this year. We also discussed the up coming SKYWARN training and local Bike Tours planned for this summer. "73"
DELAWARE: This month Delaware trained on WebEOC, the software program that coordinates EOC incidents. We have ARES logins and communications slots in the program. We took advantage of the 'off season' to pull several new runs of hardline and re-arrange antenna feedlines with county support. Work continues on Broadband MESH, after the conference we added several email names to our list. We had 5 at the conference including our EMA Director. (Great job, Matt and all!)
FAIRFIELD: I'm sorry I didn't get the forms in on time for January, Febuary, and March. i was sick including time in the hospital for over 2.5 months Our ARES members are Ed Campbell WD8PGO, George Lambert KB8USP, John Dolske K9ULO, John Fick KD8EEK, Charlie Snoke, N8KZN, Connie Snoke N8LPC,Steve Anderson KD8JLA, John Lawson W8AGS,Paul Freshour KD8DDD, Mike Stansbery WD8EBS, and Don Stephenson WD8PCF. Thank you for your patience with us.
George D. Lambert KB8USP Assistant EC FRANKLIN: No FDS-212 Submitted.
LICKING: Licking County again had a quiet month, which we are thankful for. We continue to develop our skills with our local digital nets and are becoming more comfortable with the FLDIGI system on various radios. We were pleased to learn of other groups involved with developing MESH networks, especially in Delaware County.
The applications certainly look promising. Work is also continuing on the trailer designated for Licking County Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) and Licking County ARES. This 24-foot trailer will serve as a communications base for both CERT and ARES, as well as a staging area for CERT responses and for organizational activities in the field associated with both organizations.
We also are working with the Licking County Healthcare Disaster Planning Coalition, which now includes CERT as well. MADISON: We did our monthly radio test and discovered antenna problems. A new antenna is coming as is digital capabilities. PERRY: No FDS-212 Submitted.
PICKAWAY:No comments. UNION: Putting together a receive site to mount on the water tower in Marysville to improve the repeater's performance to the northern edge of the county. Continue to work on outreach to other local hams to join the team.
Counties reporting: Athens, Hocking, Jackson, Lawrence, Scioto Athens comments: Three new hams from ACARA Tech license class plus 5 additional new licenses issued at that test session. Seven hams worked the Lake Hope Bicycle Race sponsored by Ohio University Cycling Club on March 30. Athens MS Walk on April 12. Athens Marathon on April 13. Possible Iron Furnace Trail Run on April 26.
COSHOCTON CO: A busy month with a LEPC meeting, a GOBA meeting with town coordinator and GOBA, statewide tornado drill with over a dozen reporting, two AECs ,KL7RF and KB8HEA attended the ARES leadership conf, OHDEN check in continues by KL7RF, a month long library display of Coshocton County Amateur Radio Assoc and Coshocton Co SKYWARN and Coshocton Co ARES including a large banner in support of Code Red weather alerts was included.
Counties reporting: Athens, Hocking, Jackson, Lawrence, Scioto Athens comments: Three new hams from ACARA Tech license class plus 5 additional new licenses issued at that test session. Seven hams worked the Lake Hope Bicycle Race sponsored by Ohio University Cycling Club on March 30. Athens MS Walk on April 12. Athens Marathon on April 13. Possible Iron Furnace Trail Run on April 26.
COSHOCTON CO: A busy month with a LEPC meeting, a GOBA meeting with town coordinator and GOBA, statewide tornado drill with over a dozen reporting, two AECs ,KL7RF and KB8HEA attended the ARES leadership conf, OHDEN check in continues by KL7RF, a month long library display of Coshocton County Amateur Radio Assoc and Coshocton Co SKYWARN and Coshocton Co ARES including a large banner in support of Code Red weather alerts was included.
A picture of the display was used on the Code Red national web site. A major development is the removable of all equipment from the communications vehicle. The County with EMA has purchased a new trailer for installation of amateur radio and county radios, etc. We will be working on this project in the near future. Another area of support is all Coshocton ARES have volunteered to support the Child Abduction Response Team, CART.
The Coshocton County Sheriff Dept approa! ched ARES for our help. Gearing up for GOBA in June. A great event for ARES. Steve, AA8BN, Coshocton County EC….…
GUERNSEY CO: February 22 Guernsey County ARES held a kick-off meeting. The mission of ARES was explained and the floor opened to questions. The DEC Sonny, W8FHF; AEC Bruce, N8JMK; and EC Dick, WD8SDH were present. All present ARES members are being re-registered and new members are being recruited. A training program for the year is being developed and input for the plan was requested from the ARES membership. During the March 4 ARES net an unannounced simulated repeater outage was conducted. All stations were requested to change frequency to 147.54MHZ. A roll was conducted on simplex. All stations were able to change frequency and checked in and make contact with the NCS on simplex. After roll call on simplex the net changed frequency back to the repeater. Richard Wayt, Guernsey Co EC …...
JEFFERSON CO: Our simplex training net is going well. All members will be fldigi ready by the end of the month. We are in the planning stages for a public service event in March. JCARES provided communications support for the Toronto St. Patrick's weekend activities on March 15th. The highlight of our service was the APRS tracking provided both in front of the events as well as in the EMS sag vehicle at the rear. The live APRS data was displayed on a projected map at race central for all to see. This was a great hit with those who saw the live map in action… Robert Carson, Jefferson EC…….
MONROE CO: Nothing much to report for February other than I added a new member to the group. Also began setting up a dual band radio in our new Emergency Communications Vehicle that the County purchased a few months back. Just a little update on our repeater project we have decided to go with a UHF repeater for our County. I have a location in mind for it but I half to go to a village council meeting this coming Monday to get permission to set it up. Once we get permission I will begin going through the coordination proces! s. Jeremey Taylor Monroe Co EC………
MUSKINGUM CO: Muskingum County ARES Members Elmered kids at Dresden school for the School club roundup. We are also playing around with EasyPal (Hybrid SSTV Program) to see how it can be used for Emergency Communications... Still working with Easypal Digital SSTV, as another way of sending information from a disaster site. Kathleen Frederico Muskingum Co EC……..
NOBLE CO: No comments, Larry Mason, EC Noble Co……..
NO reports from Belmont or Morgan Co. Also this report is comments from February and March…Sonny Alfman DEC-9
No district comments.
Ashtabula County: Spring is in the air! Mother Nature is letting us all know. The itch to get out and finally get antenna work done will soon be scratched. Had several members of the group upgrade the licenses this past month and many more who are ready to test. We look forward to gaining new members. The brief storm we had blow thru the other day provided us with initial blasts of 199mph winds in Ashtabula County- according to the anemometers located at two points in the area. Many trees down, power out in many places including parts of Geneva for over 24 hours, antennas tweaked, towers tested... most things seem to have held up well.
Cuyahoga County: March had several training opportunities, ARES District 10, ARES Cuy, County, NWS Skywarn. Planning meetings were attended for the Cleveland Rite-Aide Marathon.
Geauga County:! Digital/training net went very well. Looking forward to the public service season.
Lake County: WB8ZGH Attended and helped to facilitate the District 10 training session at Lake Co. Tri Point hospital. KC8BTN and N8JKO were also in attendance. WB8ZGH traveled to Dublin, Oh. to attend the Ohio Section Leadership conference. KB8BKE and WB8ZGH met with Ken Winter the newly appointed Emergency Planner for the Lake Hospital Systems. We briefed him on the amateur radio equipment at the hospitals and our role in the Lake County Emergency plans.
Lorain County: The Lorain County ARES nets are combined with a drill test, but are not double counted as an event for the purpose of this report. No Emergency Operations or Public Service events were conducted.