Friday, September 20, 2013

Week 38 - SEC message..

Ohio SEC Notes & Stuff - Week 38 - 2013

For public distribution.  Please forward as appropriate.

These notes will also be available on the ARES page at Ohio Digital Emergency Net (OHDEN) <>  Tues at 8PM. 3585 kHz and 7072 kHz  Upper Side Band. Ohio HF Net by W8SGT.  Tues at 7PM on 3875 kHz and 7240 kHz Lower Side Band.

Preparedness Leads to Readiness

I am going to try and keep this week's Ohio SEC Notes & Stuff brief.  I have been out sick all week.

~~HOT~~ Statewide Simulated Emergency Test update.  The Statewide SET will be held on Saturday, October 12th from Noon to Midnight.  I thank DEC Bob KC8WHK, ASEC Mark KB8YMN, Gallia County EC Matt KD8OMT, and ASEC Gary WW8O for working diligently on this year's Statewide Simulated Emergency Test.

Every incident in history begins local and ends local.  Considering ARES has always been "grass roots" or a bottom up program, this year's Statewide SET will be begin at home.  Emergency Coordinators or their designee will begin the SET at 12 Noon.  Much like last year, Emergency Coordinators or their designee should be focusing on Notification, Activation, Mobilization, and Deployment.  However, the SET developers have decided not to include a scenario.  Not only do I support their decision, I totally agree that scenario is nowhere near as important as objectives.  Regardless of scenario, the objectives will more than likely stay the same such as notifying ARES personnel.  Getting a net on the air.  Volunteers check in for possible assignment, etc etc.  One thing I have learned as SEC is that each county is different.  This means there is more than one way to achieve the mission.  Therefore, each county is asked to develop a set of objectives based upon strengths and weaknesses.  For instance, perhaps your county ARES team needs to learn more about NVIS antennas.  Make that one of your objectives.  Perhaps your county ARES team does not do well with simplex operations.  Make that one of your objectives.  How you complete those objectives are dependent upon your tactics and strategies.

All counties should be checking into the Ohio HF Net during the Statewide SET which will be operational from the State of Ohio EOC.  All counties should have a representative check into the Ohio Digital Emergency Net.

Both of these nets will be used to disseminate important information to the Section.  I have attached a document prepared by my SET development team.

Should you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to contact DEC03 Bob KC8WHK at and or myself at

Tomorrow, Sept 21, Ashtabula County ARES will be conducting an NVIS and portable antenna exercise from Noon to 5PM local time.  All amateur radio operators are encourages to participate.  I am told the Ohio EOC W8SGT Station will also be on the air from 3PM to 5PM.  Contact Bob WD8PVB at for details.

Cleveland Hamfest is Sunday, September 22nd at the Cuyahoga County Fairgrounds in Berea, OH.  Please come and support the Cleveland Hamfest.  Go to for more information.

Next week, I am teaching amateur radio and radio basic training to 90 volunteers from Crisis Response International at their disaster response training.  I performed this task last year and enjoyed it very much and I very much appreciate the opportunity to do it again.

EMCOMM EAST is coming up next weekend.  There is still room in the carpool or convoy.  Contact me directly if you're interested in attending.  So far it's me, PIO Jackie N8JMW, ASEC Mark KB8YMN, and OES Dave NF8O.

That is all for this week.  I thank you for everything you do for amateur radio.


73 de Matt W8DEC