Thursday, August 29, 2013

SEC Weekly Notes.. Week 35

Ohio SEC Notes & Stuff - Week 35 - 2013

For public distribution.  Please forward as appropriate.

These notes will also be available on the ARES page at Ohio Digital Emergency Net (OHDEN) <>  Tues at 8PM. 3585 kHz and 7072 kHz  Upper Side Band.

Ohio HF Net by W8SGT.  Tues at 7PM on 3875 kHz and 7240 kHz Lower Side Band.

Preparedness Leads to Readiness

I thoroughly enjoyed the Ohio QSO Party this year.  I had a great time operating W8DES from the Geauga County Emergency Operations Center with the Geauga Amateur Radio Association and Geauga County ARES.  Many thanks to everyone who participated in the first ever EOC Category in the Ohio QSO Party!  I am so looking forward to next year.  This is one of my favorite operating events.

I have shifted my attention to the 191st Great Geauga County Fair.  Geauga County EC Pat N8ONI tells me we have 20 amateur radio operators signed up to volunteer at the fair.  That is spectacular in comparison to past years!  If you are coming to enjoy Ohio's oldest fair, be sure to bring a portable transceiver (HT).  Stop by the communications trailer adjacent to the fire station for on-site frequencies.  There is also a talk-in station on 146.940(-) PL 110.9 from Noon to 8PM each day of the fair.

Ohio State Parks on the Air is Saturday, September 7th.  There's 74 Ohio State Parks.  Which one are you operating from?  I will be with the Warren Amateur Radio Association operating W8VTD from Mosquito Lake State Park in Cortland, OH in Trumbull County.

September 7th is also the same day as Twenty Over Nine ARC Hamfest at the Austintown Senior Center in Mahoning County.  This is a new hamfest and I would imagine they'd love to have a great turn out.  Come show your support.

Saturday, September 8th is the Findlay Hamfest.  This is one of the largest hamfests we have in Ohio and I encourage everyone to come support this great hamfest.


September is National Preparedness Month.  In the spirit of National Preparedness Month and in the spirit of tradition, I am announcing the Second Annual ARES Membership Drive!  This contest runs from September 1st through September 30th.  All county ARES teams and all 10 ARES Districts are asked to participate in the contest by registering as many new volunteers throughout the month of September.  New volunteers can be new licensees (any license class) or returning ARES members.  All those registered must have a valid amateur radio call sign.

The question was asked, If someone registers during the month of October, will it count toward the contest?  The answer is no.  Volunteers can register for ARES at any time throughout the year.  However, in order to count toward for the contest, the volunteer must register during the month of September.

The county and district that wins will receive a phenomenal award certificate suitable for framing.  The winners will be announced at the All Ohio ARES Conference on Saturday, November 9th at the Ohio Fire Academy in Reynoldsburg, OH.  Both the winning county and winning district will also be recognized on the Ohio Section Website, Ohio Section News, and in my weekly Ohio SEC Notes & Stuff.  An announcement will also be sent to QST Magazine and ARES E-Letter so everyone will know who took first place in the Second Annual Ohio Section ARES Membership Drive.  You can review all the rules and details at

EMCOMM EAST is on Sunday, September 29th at St. John Fisher College in Rochester, NY.  So far, I know of 3 people from Ohio who are attending.  Myself and two others.  This is a great conference and I have always found the traveling to be worth it.  Please contact me if you plan on attending so we can coordinate.

The All Ohio ARES Conference on Saturday, November 9th is shaping up nicely.  Participants are registering almost every day.  Many people have indicated they're bringing a go box.  One participant indicated they're bringing a communications trailer.  There is plenty of room for more participants, go boxes, and communications vehicles/trailers.  The agenda is also in good shape with excellent programs and presenters.  There is room for more.  If you have something you'd like to teach or show-off, feel free to contact me with your program or demonstration.

There is so much ARES stuff happening in the Ohio Section.  Drumroll please...  dim the lights, here we go.


   1. Ohio HF Net on Tuesday nights at 7PM managed by W8SGT operated from  the State of Ohio Emergency Operations Center in Columbus.  This net has the reputation as being on the air every single Tuesday night no matter  what.  Put your county on the map by checking in.  All are welcome.

   2. Ohio Digital Emergency Net on Tuesday nights at 8PM.  All are welcome.  This net has turned into a great resource and a great place for elmering those in the world of Fldigi and digital sound card modes.

   3. Digital Communications Commitee continues to work together in determining if DSTAR, Echolink, IRLP, and/or AllStar should be added to the Ohio Section Emergency Response Plan.

   4. A team of volunteers consisting of DEC03 Bob KC8WHK, Gallia County EC Matt KD8OMT, ASEC Mark KB8YMN, and ASEC Gary WW8O are working diligently on the Statewide Simulated Emergency Test.

   5. ASEC Scott N8SX is working on developing the first ever Ohio ARESMAT in addition to maintaining the Ohio Section training database for both leadership and volunteers.

   6. The Assistant SEC's have recently been tasked to coordinate with DEC's and ADEC's in recruiting EC's for vacant counties.

I am sharing this with you because all of this is taking place in between public service events, ARES meetings, club meetings, nets of all sorts, trainings, exercises, and drills.  Not to mention during a little thing called LIFE.  To me, this shows passion, dedication, and determination in getting the tasks done so we can move on to the next one.


73 de Matt W8DEC

Matthew Welch W8DEC

Ohio Section Emergency Coordinator

ARRL - The national association for AMATEUR RADIO™
