Monday, June 11, 2018

May Section Emergency Coordinator's Report

ARRL Ohio Section - FSD-96
Month: May
Year: 2018
Total Number of ARES Members: 1653
Change since last month: 15
Number of DEC's / EC's reporting this month: 10
Number of ARES Nets active: 489
Number of Nets active with NTS Liaisons: varies
Call-signs of DEC's / EC's reporting: (all)
Number of drills, tests and training sessions this month: 651
Person Hours: 4171
Number of Public Service Events this month: 76
Person Hours: 1793
Number of Emergency Operations this month: 48
Person Hours: 606
Total number of ARES/RACES Events this month: 776
Total Person Hours: 6132
Comments: Akron-Canton airport drill. Auxcomm class prior to Hamvention. This REPLACES earlier filed report, didn\'t have all of D9 included.
Submitted by and call-sign: Stan Broadway N8BHL

May ARES activity report

District 1
Totals include figures from the Northwest Ohio Traffic and Training Net and District 1 Skywarn. Work continues on installation projects in coordination with the Hospital Council of Northwest Ohio with amateur radio equipment in various hospital partner facilities that will be required to have backup communications capabilities.

District 2
Defiance Co- Had 4 Skywarn event nets this month. Our primary repeater is currently running on battery/Solar power. We will test this system using normal weekly net and Skywarn operations next. 

District 3
DISTRICT 3 SUMMARY:  100% of Nine Counties reporting: 300 Members (+1 change); (68 Voice Net Sessions, 18 Digital Net Sessions (86 total Net Events & 375 Net man-hours); 18 Meetings-Drills-Training-Tests (260 man-hours); 4 Public Service Events (179 man-hrs) and 9 Emergency Operations (70 man-hrs); for 117 Total Events and 884 Total man-hours.

CHAMPAIGN COUNTY:  (22 members, 0 change):  4 weekly voice net sessions (40 Net man-hours); 0 Public Service Event (0 man-hours); 0 Emergency Operations (0 man-hours) and 1 other ARES events (5 man-hours) for a total of 5 events and 45 man-hours.

CLARK COUNTY:  (33 members):  2 weekly net sessions (26 Net man-hours); 0 Public Service Event (0 man-hours); 2 Emergency Operations (10 man-hours) and 0 other ARES events (0 man-hours) for a total of 4 events and 36 man-hours.
Comments:  Wx Nets 5/22 and 5/30.

DARKE COUNTY:  (14 members, 0 change):  4 weekly voice net sessions (8 Net man-hours); 0 Public Service Event (0 man-hours); 0 Emergency Operations (0 man-hours) and 0 other ARES event (0 man-hours ) for a total of 4 events and 8 man-hours.

GREENE COUNTY:  (55 members, 0 change):  23 weekly voice net sessions, 9 weekly digital net sessions (128 Net man-hours); 1 Public Service Events (19 man-hours); 0 Emergency Operations (0 man-hours); and 11 other ARES related activities (103 man-hours) for a total of 44 events and 250 man-hours.
   Comments:  Weekly Net participation: GCARES, GCARES/MVMA Mesh Discussion, BARC, UVARC, GCARES Digital, Dayton East Emergency Response Net (DEER), OHDEN,& OH EM. PREP, D3. Other activity: Continuing Mesh and Winlink maintenance, demonstrations, testing & training, race coverage, served agency training, Homeland Security AuxComm Training, Hamvention EmComm forums.  

LOGAN COUNTY (RACES UNIT):  (10 members):  4 weekly voice net sessions (2 man-hours); and 1 other RACES activity (25 man-hours) for a total of 5 events and 27 man-hours.

MIAMI COUNTY:  (25 members):  13 weekly voice nets, 4 weekly digital nets (58 Net man-hours); 0 Public Service (0 man-hours); 0 Emergency Operations (0 man-hours); and 0 other ARES events (0 man-hours) for a total of 17 events and 58 man-hours.
     Comments:  MCES ARES/RACES Net 145.23(-) held each Sunday evening at 2100hrs, 147.21 (+) held each Thursday at 2000hrs, Digital nets using MT63-2KL on 145.23 held each Sunday at 1900hrs & Wires X net on Sunday at 1800hrs.  

MONTGOMERY COUNTY:  (86 members, +1 change):  5 weekly voice net sessions, 3 weekly digital net sessions (21 Net man-hours); 0 Public Service Events (0 man-hours); 3 Emergency Operations (32 man-hours); and 3 other ARES related events (96 man-hours) for a total of 14 events and 149 man-hours.  
   Comments: Dayton Skywarn was activated on 5/21, 5/22 & 5/31 for Severe Thunderstorm Watches that were issued for the area. Four Montgomery County ARES members, Shawna Collins - N2TUJ, Robert Flory - KA5RUC, Gary Clark - KC8TND, Glenn Gombert - KD8TSR and Tim Kemerley - KD8UQI completed the Department of Homeland Security Auxcomm course for three days prior to HamVention.

PREBLE COUNTY:  (16 members):  4 weekly net sessions (8 Net man-hours); 2 Public Service Event (98 man-hours); 3 Emergency Operations (21 man-hours); and 2 other ARES events (31 man-hours) for a total of 11 events and 158 man-hours.
     Comments:  Preble held monthly meeting, monthly net training, Skywarn activations, transport, setup and man Emcomm display for Hamvention. Club technicians maintained 2meter repeater and planned power amplifier upgrade.

SHELBY COUNTY:  (39 members):  4 weekly net sessions; 2 digital net sessions (43 man-hours); 1 Public Service Event (62 man-hours); 1 Emergency Operations (7 man-hours); and 0 other ARES events (0 man-hours); for a total of 8 events and 112 man-hours.
      Comments: 5-4-2018 Skywarn Net STS Warning, 5-18 thru 5-20 EmComm Display Dayton Hamvention.

DISTRICT 3 ACTIVITIES:  5 District 3 ARES weekly voice net sessions (41 Net man-hours);and 0 other District 3 activities for a total of 5 events and 41 man-hours.

District 4
 E-ops time was to support NWS office in Wilmington (Hamilton, Clinton, Highland Counties). from Butler County: Monthly Siren Test - on going Hamilton OH - Memorial Day Parade lineup & route On going training to achieve Ohio Tier 1 operator status for team. from Hamilton County: Hamvention classes; AuxComm; Flying Pig; Taste of Cincy; Tour De Cure meetings; Red Cross smoke alarms; SkyWARN activation. 

District 5
Summit County - Ken Dorsey, KA8OAD This month we ran communications for the MS Akron Walk and assisted Stark County ARES with the Akron Canton Airport Disaster Drill. A collage of the airport activity during the drill is attached. 

Columbiana County - Don Kemp, NN8B The drills for May were the dry runs for the Nuclear power plant drill in June. 

Stark County - Terry Russ, N8ATZ Stark County ARES completed 5 public service nets for the month of May that totaled 97 check-ins. On Tuesday, May 15th, members of the Stark County ARES provided support communications for the Akron-Canton Airport Drill. This Exercise was a full scale Disaster Drill to help test and improve emergency procedures and preparedness. Our role in this drill was to provide communications support at multiple hospitals including Altman and Alliance General. Operators also staffed multiple transport busses used for volunteer/victim transport to the crash site and area hospitals, Finally we provided tactical communications between the Airport Command Post and hospitals & crash site. Finally we provided tactical communications between the Airport Command Post and EMA. A portable communications Go-Box was used at the Command Center while portable handhelds were used on the busses. As expected, communications with the busses proved difficult even using external antennas to provide better range. Constant communications was maintained between the busses, hospitals and the command center throughout the exercise providing vital information on the status of all volunteers/victims. This would provide critical information should this had been an actual disaster site. Multiple local repeaters were utilized as well as simplex frequencies for this drill. Summit County ARES also assisted with this event providing communications for several Summit County Hospitals. 9 operators provided over 50 hours of community service for this exercise. 

District 6
No comments

District 7
UNION County: Myself and Clifford, KB8WNO attended the auxcomm training in Beaver Creek the week of Hamvention. We learned a lot from the course. I would recommend taking it if you haven't done so already. While I was at Hamvention I also attended the homeland security forum. It was pretty good. If you weren't there, you can find the video online at  They talked a little about some changes in the works for the ICS structure that may take place in the future sometime and had Oscar from Puerto Rico do a presentation and a someone from Texas. Both talked about their experience during the hurricanes last year. We had 3 meetings/training sessions this month. We only had 2 net control stations fill out the net report form for the local UCARC net this month. So the net numbers are down a little. 73, Edmund Liddle, KE8ANU 

LICKING County: May was an unusal month this year, with the high temperatures brought pop up thunderstorms. We had only 2 severe weather nets and thankfully no one was hurt and the damage was light. Is this an indication of whats yet to come for the rest of the year? We are gearing up for several events in June and planning continues for other exercises and events for the rest of the year. Work continues between Fairfield Co. and Licking Co. to bring the 2 counties together for better comms in the Buckeye Lake area. 

Madison County: The Madison County Amateur Radio Club will be conducting Field Day events, but the ARES group will not be in charge of it. All Madison County ARES members are a part of MCARC. 

Franklin County: This month at our in-person meeting we discussed improving simplex communication throughout Franklin County. To make this happen we engaged the Franklin County GIS support person who produced maps with ARES member locations plotted with ground elevation (AGL) noted. We will begin a multi-month process of gathering data so we can determine the best station location in each of four quadrants in the county. Each station will provide the profile of their station as a starting point with antenna elevation and antenna gain along with station reception and signal strength. We also displayed our eight mobile APRS devices that have tinyTracker 4 units installed inside a Motorola MaxTrack (25w) mobile radio. Plug in the antennas (GPS and 2m mag mount) add power via an accessory outlet and you're ready to track SAG or other support vehicles. All eight units fit inside a road case with wheels making it easy to store and deploy. Our public service event for the month was Komen Race For The Cure. We had 22 stations on course for 3 hours. This race garners 21,600 participants with a crowd estimated at 50,000. 

District 8
Counties reporting: Athens, Gallia, Hocking, Lawrence, Pike, Ross, Scioto, Vinton EC comments:
 Athens: ACARA and SCARF supported the Lake Hope Bicycle Race and Athens Thunderbunny 50K races. 

Gallia: Talked about training on filed day. Have talked to EM about 300 and 400 training. 

Hocking: Sorry a little late, due to new job. 

Lawrence: In addition to 3 training events this month we also provided communications for the 150 annual Ironton Memorial Day Parade. There were 22 ham from 3 states involved in the event. There were some challenges including a failed power supply at net control, a city power failure that forced the repeater onto backup power and two lost children. The problems were quickly overcome and the children were reunited with their families. Thanks to all the amateur operators that displayed the best in professional performance. 

Pike: Had a lot of fun at the 2nd Annual SOFR (Southern Ohio Forest Rally). Portable repeater and antenna system worked well as planned. System worked well on batteries and solar backup. Already looking forward to next year. 

Scioto: On-going work on ARES Tower Site per usual, always upgrading. :) 
Vinton: Nothing new to report for Vinton County. Amateur activity is scarce. My apologies for missing last months report, a 9-1-1project took up most of my time. DMR tower activities will once again start with the good weather, finally. We are hoping for an Athens and Ironton repeater soon. W8JDA 

    DEC comments: Pending completed application and ARRL appointment, we hope to welcome Johnnie McCloud, KC8YXU as new EC for Jackson County very soon. He has been working with Jackson County EMA director Bob Czechlewski who has given his support for the appointment. Most counties are gearing up for Field Day activities. DEC is preparing to spend the week of June 16-23 with Great Ohio Bicycle Adventure in central Ohio.

District 9
Coshocton:  Lepc meetings attended... Monthly Ares meeting.... Skywarn net with 10 check-ins. May 22.... Several nets checked into by Ares members KL7RF, KB8VIP, WX8OH. .... 60m, OHDEN, W8SGT, DMR 3902, Satern, OSSBN.... Preparing for field day and using W8CCA club call.......AA8BN Coshocton EC

Guernsey - The monthly triaining covered 2 meter simplex and repeater operations. The EC attended the county emergency table top excercise at the EOC. Five ARES members provided communication support for the Senior Center for thier annual picnic. 

Tuscarawas -  4 voice nets with 57 participating; 2 ARES weather nets with 5 participating in each weather net; monthly club meeting.

Washington -  Briefly met with Sonny W8FHF and Scott N8SY at Dayton Hamvention in Xenia.

District 10
District 10: Field Day is coming! Big fun! Make sure to participate June 23-24! 
*** Ashtabula County: No comments submitted. 

*** Cuyahoga County: One of our served agencies, the City of Cleveland, activated ARES for the Cleveland Marathon as and the affiliated 5K/8K run. 

*** Geauga County: No comments submitted. 

*** Lake County: Five members assisted at the Lake County History Center Civil War Encampment. 

*** Lorain County: No comments submitted. 

***Medina County: Medina Half Marathon went on with only one person being sagged in. The weather was good for runners. Not so many walking at the tail end. As usual only a few (two) runners were way ahead of the pack.