Month: April
Year: 2018
Total Number of ARES Members: 1793
Change since last month: 23
Number of DEC's / EC's reporting this month: 10
Number of ARES Nets active: 567
Number of Nets active with NTS Liaisons: varies
Call-signs of DEC's / EC's reporting: All 10 DEC\'s
Number of drills, tests and training sessions this month: 761
Person Hours: 5537
Number of Public Service Events this month: 81
Person Hours: 1558
Number of Emergency Operations this month: 11
Person Hours: 282
Total number of ARES/RACES Events this month: 853
Total Person Hours: 7377
Comments: Many stations participated in Ohio\'s NVIS Antenna Day. Northwest Ohio is working on expanding hospital ham radio. Miami County ARES was activated for severe weather and loss of 911. Summit County co-sponsored a \"Stop the Bleed\" class. Union County continues to work on a new facility with EMA. River counties were open for flood monitoring.
Submitted by and call-sign: Stan Broadway N8BHL
Hi all! Hey, these were some great numbers for April!
Congrats on all your efforts!
Total members: 1793 (23 change)
Total nets: 567 (79 were digital) with 2588 hours
Training: 761 with 5537 hours
Public Service: 81 with 1558 hours
Emergencies: 11 with 282 hours
Thanks for all the nice comments about our state conference-
it was a lot of fun! We are WIDE OPEN to your suggestions and ideas for
next year, so whip an email my direction when you get an idea! I’ll be
glad to hear them.
Attached is the county detail report- there’s a LOT of good
stuff going on all across Ohio.
I’ll have “Canned Ham II” on display at Dayton Friday and
Saturday, so stop in and say hello! We’ll also be presenting at the
ARRL complex Friday at 1. Hope to see you there (among 16000 of our closest
Ohio ARES Monthly Activity Report – April 2018
District 1
Totals include figures from the Northwest Ohio Traffic and Training Net. For the month of April they had 177 check ins, passed 129 pieces of traffic in 429 minutes in 30 sessions. Totals also reflect my time and ADEC Dan Stahl KC8PBU with attendance of the ARES conference in Marion Ohio, Skywarn meetings and work related to the NORC-2 project. We have begun work on this project which is in partnership with the Hospital Council of Northwest Ohio (HCNO). We have already visited 2 facilities that have requested amateur radios for backup communications. Along with DEC 2 Terry Habegger W8UY we have been given radios, antennas, coax, power supplies and other equipment to dispense to facilities with agreements through the HCNO. We also worked and got MOU\'s approved through the ARRL to enable these facilities to work with their local ARES group. We will visit these facilities with the local EC if possible and suggest locations for the radio and antenna based on our prior experience in this area. This is just the beginning of this project and it will on going for quite some time. We were also able to get a grant for a replacement antenna and repeater for a local repeater which will be used for district wide communications in the near future. The comments from individual County's is in a separate Microsoft Work document.
District 2
No comments
District 3
100% of Nine Counties reporting: 299 Members (+4 change); (71 Voice Net sessions, 15 Digital Net Sessions (86 total Net Events & 388 Net man-hours); 26 Meetings-Drills-Training-Tests (339 man-hours); 17 Public Service Events (361 man-hrs) and 5 Emergency Operations (211 man-hrs); for 134 Total Events and 1298 Total man-hours.
CHAMPAIGN COUNTY: (22 members, 0 change): 4 weekly voice net sessions (40 Net man-hours); 0 Public Service Event (0 man-hours); 0 Emergency Operations (0 man-hours) and 1 other ARES events (10 man-hours) for a total of 5 events and 50 man-hours.
CLARK COUNTY: (33 members): 5 weekly net sessions (16 Net man-hours); 0 Public Service Event (0 man-hours); 0 Emergency Operations (0 man-hours) and 1 other ARES events (8 man-hours) for a total of 6 events and 24 man-hours.
DARKE COUNTY: (14 members, 0 change): 5 weekly voice net sessions (7 Net man-hours); 0 Public Service Event (0 man-hours); 0 Emergency Operations (0 man-hours) and 1 other ARES event (10 man-hours ) for a total of 6 events and 17 man-hours.
GREENE COUNTY: (55 members, 0 change): 22 weekly voice net sessions, 6 weekly digital net sessions (151 Net man-hours); 2 Public Service Events (36 man-hours); 1 Emergency Operations (47 man-hours); and 13 other ARES related activities (144 man-hours) for a total of 44 events and 377 man-hours.
Comments: Weekly Net participation: GCARES, GCARES/MVMA Mesh Discussion, BARC, UVARC, GCARES Digital, Dayton East Emergency Response Net (DEER), OHDEN & OH EM. PREP, D3. Other activity: Continuing Mesh and Winlink maintenance, demonstrations, testing & training, license classes, license exams, served agency safety training, Section ARES Meeting, severe weather net.
LOGAN COUNTY (RACES UNIT): (10 members): 4 weekly voice net sessions (2 man-hours); and 1 other RACES activity (18 man-hours) for a total of 5 events and 20 man-hours.
MIAMI COUNTY: (25 members): 15 weekly voice nets, 5 weekly digital nets (61 Net man-hours); 0 Public Service (0 man-hours); 0 Emergency Operations (0 man-hours); and 1 other ARES events (67 man-hours) for a total of 21 events and 128 man-hours.
Comments: MCES ARES/RACES Net 145.23(-) held each Sunday evening at 2100hrs, 147.21 (+) held each Thursday at 2000hrs, Digital nets using MT63-2KL on 145.23 held each Sunday at 1900hrs & Wires X net on Sunday at 1800hrs. Miami County Weather Net was activated at the request of the National Weather Service on 4/3/2018 with 19 operators reporting in as weather spotters. The Miami County 911 Center loss their primary emergency phone lines and had to utilize an older back up system till repairs were completed the following day. During the storm on 4/3, several Miami County RACES members staffed the 911 center to support the 911 operators. The Bike 4 Tikes event scheduled for earlier in the month was canceled due to flooding of the bike path in several counties the group was planning to ride thru.
MONTGOMERY COUNTY: (85 members, +4 change): 3 weekly voice net sessions, 2 weekly digital net sessions (23 Net man-hours); 8 Public Service Events (122 man-hours); 1 Emergency Operations (21 man-hours); and 2 other ARES related events (62 man-hours) for a total of 16 events and 228 man-hours.
Comments: Dayton Skywarn was activated on 4/3 for severe thunderstorms in the region. Five tornadoes were confirmed in Ohio on the 44th anniversary of the April 3, 1974 Xenia tornado. Montgomery County ARES Members participated in several public service events during the month of April. Make a Difference,,,Save A Life 5k for Suicide Prevention on 4/7; Channel 16 Great TV Auction 4/16-4/21; Autism Society of Dayton Annual Autism Awareness 5k on 4/28. Three members of the MoCo ARES staff attended the Ohio ARES Conference on 4/7.
PREBLE COUNTY: (16 members): 4 weekly net sessions (2 Net man-hours); 7 Public Service Event (203 man-hours); 1 Emergency Operations (70 man-hours); and 4 other ARES events (12 man-hours) for a total of 16 events and 287 man-hours.
SHELBY COUNTY: (39 members): 5 weekly net sessions; 2 digital net sessions (44 man-hours); 0 Public Service Event (0 man-hours); 1 Emergency Operations (7 man-hours); and 3 other ARES events (75 man-hours); for a total of 11 events and 126 man-hours.
Comments: 4-3-18 Dayton Skywarn activated, SCARES informal net; 4-22-18 VEC testing: 4-22-18 SCARES Meeting; 4-28-18 NVIS Antenna Day.
DISTRICT 3 ACTIVITIES: 4 District 3 ARES weekly voice net sessions (42 Net man-hours);and 0 other District 3 activities for a total of 4 events and 42 man-hours.
District 4
Clinton County: E-ops time was to support the National Weather Service office in Wilmington. Training time was NVIS Antenna Day.
Hamilton County: Local nets. TMRC Summit. OKHYIN workshop sessions. OH ARES Conference. Reds Findlay Market Parade. NVIS. SkyWARN. Flying Pig 20 planning.
District 5
Stark County - Terry Russ, N8ATZ Stark Co ARES completed 4 public service nets for the month of April that totaled 102 check-ins. Three members of Stark Co ARES attended the ARES Conference on Saturday, April 7th. Our county EMA sponsored an ICS-200 training class with four ARES members participating. We continue preparing for the Akron-Canton Airport Drill that will be held on Tuesday, May 15th.
Summit County - Ken Dorsey, KA8OAD This month, as part of our continuing focus on training, Summit County ARES partnered with Cleveland Clinic AGMC to provide a free "Stop the Bleed" class for any interested amateurs from any area. We had 23 people attend the training session and everyone thought the training was excellent and very informative. Portage County - James Andrews KD8VT Appointed as EC for Portage County on 4-17-2018. Working on recruiting ARES members.
District 6
No comments
District 7
Union County: Comments: We had a good turnout for NVIS Day. The net control stations did a better job reporting the UCARC net checkins. We have been working with the Union County EMA helping with getting the building at the new location ready and planning how the radio room Will be set up and repeaters will be located in the new location. The EMA is still working the details out with the township on where the new tower will be located at the new location. The building is coming along well so far. I also started participating in the Marion County ARES simplex Digi net. I am able to participate from my qth in Marysville. I also have been encouraging the Union County ARES group members to see if they can check in to it or listen to it with FLDIGI. I have been using the android version of FLdigi AndFlmsg which can be downloaded from the FLDigi source forge page. I have been using acoustic coupling using my phone's microphone to recieve the digital transmission and the phone speaker with the radio mic to transmit messages. 73, Ed. KE8ANU
Fayette County: comments: Meeting with Fayette County EMA Manager Melissa Havens on April 10 with Dist 7 SEC KB8YMN
Franklin County: comments: We completed part 2 of our public safety radio training. This month we re-installed roof top antennas on the Franklin County EMA after roof replacement. We performed a simplex communications test for participating members which worked out well. Relay stations were assigned to service those not able to contact net control. We anticipate enhancing this test in the future. Several members took part in the Advanced Weather Spotter training this year. FCOH ARES had a presence for those interested in amateur radio licenses. 65% of ~200 attending were not licensed.
Knox County: Comments: NVIS day was cold and windy but all 8 people stayed for the whole event. We made 26 contacts with 20 counties, We used 2 different antennas.
Licking County: Thanks to Marion Co. for sponsoring the ARES Conference for 2018 and for your hard work to make it happen. The Licking Co. Weather Spotter had about 80 people in attendance this year, Thanks to COTC for the use of the auditorium. We had a good turn out to the NVIS Day, Thanks to those who worked hard to make it happen this year. May looks to be a busy month and we are looking forward to the upcoming events and exercises. Work continues to improve the DMR system in Licking Co. and a big thank you to the repeater owner Kevin AC8GI.
Fairfield County: Comments: 5K Run After School Program Fundraiser Soldering Training Class.
Marion County: Comments: Once again Marion was proud to host the statewide ARES conference. Great turnout and excellent information. We provided our services to the National Robotics Competition. We helped by selling admission and controlling the flow of people in and out of the event. We also assisted as needed with other issues as they arose. NVIS was another successful test of our ability to setup and operate radio at any given time. The weather didn't help but we had a small group and enjoyed the experience.
District 8
Counties reporting: Athens, Gallia, Hocking, Lawrence, Pike, Ross, Scioto, Vinton EC comments:
Athens: Good operator turnout for Iron Furnace Trail Run and Athens Marathon. APRS leader and tail light tracking worked great. Next event Lake Hope Bicycle Race Sunday, May 6.
Gallia: First Meeting was held this month and I.D. cards passed out. Participation was held in the NVIS Day. The data is being looked over for best antenna to use in our area.
Lawrence: Bad news. We will be losing some of ARES members next month. Good news. Boyd County Kentucky has organized an ARES program and the folks we lose are moving to the new organization. They will still be members in Lawrence County, but will be counted in Boyd County.
We look forward to some new ARES members in the area!
Pike: Portable repeater testing for SOFR May 18 & 19 in Zaleski and Tar Hollow State Forests was successful. Ongoing effort to prepare radio equipment for deployment underway. Participated in ARES NVIS Day with inconclusive results between antennas tested. Multiple contacts made.
Scioto: Boomed into EOC Sgt Control Station at State for NVIS Day with plus 9.
Vinton: Nothing new to report. My apologies for missing last months report. We are currently working to add more features and reliability to the DMR Network. Also, installing a fairly high profile voted VHF analog repeater system for Jackson and surrounding counties.
DEC comments: DEC attended FEMA course on Amateur Radio Resources for Emergency Management in Jackson, April 19. Several upcoming, multi-county events coming up in May: Lake Hope Bicycle Race, May 6, Southern Ohio Forest Run, May 19-20, and TOSRV, May 19-20. Great Ohio Bicycle Adventure will be in central Ohio counties the week of June 16-23 - host cities: Delaware, London, Circleville, Lancaster, Newark.
District 9
COSHOCTON CO: Attended ARES conf. Great information,tu....... EMA EOC was used by AA8BN in Coshocton for Ohio nvis. Had 23 counties in log with 37 contacts. Great signal out of W8SGT. WX8OH and KB8VIP worked stations from their homes as well. While at EMA/EOC, tested DMR which went well .......On the 25th the National Weather Service Pittsburgh was in our EOC with an advanced skywarn training. Good turn out with Hams and general public......... Continuing to practice message handling on ARES nets. ...... I want to thank AB8RR, Eric, for hosting Echolink on the ARES repeater for several years. ... Steve Wheatcraft AA8BN,EC..............
GUERENSEY CO: The county EC and both AECs attended the State ARES conference. The monthly ARES training was a presentation on CERT. ARES members set a 40 meter station at the Zane Grey days and operated a special event. Richard W. Wayt WD8SDH..............
JEFFERSON CO: NO report...........
MORGAN CO: No comments..........
MUSKINGUM CO: No comments...........
NOBLE CO: No comments..............
TUSCARAWAS CO: NO Report .............
WASHINGTON CO: : April 5th 2018 Checked in with Washington County EMA due to opening of EOC for flooding assessment and monitoring, as a result of the Ohio River reaching 35ft in Marietta Impacts were limited to localized road flooding. No ARES activation needed. Also talked with Washington County EMA about possibility of Operating Field day from Washington County EMA Parking lot plans are underway for that event. Several Washington County Hams participated in NVIS day contact was made with W8SGT and other counties. Washington County ARES members increased to 6. Joseph Wigal W8JTW EC. DEC Sonny Alfman W8FHF
District 10
District 10: NVIS Day was big fun, as always. Public service event season will be ramping up soon. Get your equipment ready to roll! ***
Ashtabula County: No report submitted. ***
Cuyahoga County: Our meeting focused on APRS this month. SkyWarn Spotter Training had more than 100 people in attendance. NVIS Day went very well. ***
Geauga County: No comments submitted. ***
Lake County: WOW, April was a very busy month for Lake Co. ARES. WB8ZGH And KB8BKE attended the ARES Conference in Marion. It was one of the best and well attended. Next up was the 20/10 mile Drop Run from Chardon to Fairport Harbor on Lake Erie. A cold Wet rainy day, low temps in the 30s/40s day of the run. A 122 ran from Chardon and 258 started from Concord Twns ( 10 mi). A special thanks to AA8OY and KD8QEI who dressed in rain gear and rode their bikes to track the last runners. A total of 13 braved the cold wet weather to man the event. Next up was the National Parks week event. We put the Pres. James A. Garfield Home on the air. Free admission had the parking lot full all day. The ARES Trailer was in full view as we operated on 40 & 20m. Some visitors stopped by the operation. A 100 plus contacts were made over the 6 hours of operation. Then there was the NVIS day at the Lake Co. E.O. C. This provided a chance to test the radios and antenna systems for the coming Perry Nuke Power Plant drill in September. We made contact with the Columbus and other E. O. C. s around the State. . Finished the month with Skywarn training at Lakeland Collage. Five members renewed their training. ***
Lorain County: No comments submitted. ***
Medina County: No comments submitted.