Tuesday, November 17, 2015

October report from the Section Emergency Coordinator

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ARES Form FSD-96
Jefferson County worked with local officials to assist in a missing person search. A number of counties participated in the Ohio SET.
Stan Broadway


Name CALL County OES Dist Net Hrs PS Events PS hours EM events EM hours
Gary NJ8BB Preble 3 8 62 0 0
Scott N8SY Richland 6 60 30 10
Matthew KD8TTE franklin 7 32 56 0
Bob W8RWR Franklin 7 1.5 5 0
Mark KB8YMN franklin 7 10 12 0
John K8PJ Pickaway 7 5 0 0 0 0
Jeff KB8ZUN Lorain 10 15 12 0
Clair W8KF Huron 1 0 0 0 0 0
131.5 0 177 0 10

Here is a summary of activity reported from the DEC’s for October. (Missing counties had no comments.)   

Thank you all for everything you do!  Now- let’s get some training on for the winter months!!

ARES Ohio Section Monthly report for the month of: 

District 1
I would like to welcome Eric Willman WD8LEI as the new EC for Wood County. I also want to thank Bob Schumann W8NYY for all his years of service as the Wood County EC in making Wood County ARES a great county for amateurs to perform a public service function which had been sorely lacking before Bob took the reigns. I look forward to working with Eric in the future as he settles in to his new position.
District 2

District 3

District 4
Butler: BCVHF Assoc as well as BCAREC have finally received their System Fusion repeaters. Installs are pending as of this writing. Butler County Amateurs continue to help test weather sirens each month on the first Wednesday and reporting to the Butler County 911 Center which Sirens don\'t sound each month.

Clinton: Clinton County was active in the SET.

Hamilton: Hamilton County had a very busy month with the SET, Hamilton County Health Dept. exercise and training, the Queen Bee Half Marathon and 4-mile, and the Run Like Hell for Cystic Fibrosis.

District 5
Stark: Stark Co ARES completed 4 public service nets for the month of October that totaled 143 check-ins. There were no public service events during October but EC Terry, N8ATZ and Assistant EC\\\'s Mike Lackney, KB8MIB & Mike Palmer, KD8ENV hosted an information table during the Massillon ARC Hamfest on October 25. The display included a powerpoint presentation covering basic ARES & Skywarn Operations, various Go-Boxes and literature provided by the county EMA office. Additional details of our activities are posted on our website at http://www.wd8aye.net.
District 6

District 7
Delaware: A busy month for the Delaware ARES group logging 90 manhours for the annual SET and another 20 for an EMA drill. It was all good and very productive and revealed some issues we need to address and better prepare for Franklin: One of our major events was this month, the Columbus Marathon. Although we did not have as many hams volunteer this year as we would have liked, we were able to provide the organizers with the usual support they deserve and have come to expect. We also were involved with a FCEM&HS full scale exercise involving 3 counties - Franklin, Delaware, and Licking. The simulated disaster included an F5 tornado involving all 3 counties, along with a denial of service attack on the internet, which left the EMA offices with no internet connectivity. As usual, the Hams came to the rescue providing critical communications including FLDigi passing of forms between the agencies involved.

Licking: Licking County had a busy October. We participated in the Ohio SET, Tri-County Full Scale Exercise, Indian Mound Mall Table Top Exercise. All 3 exercises were successful. Thank you to all of the members that participated in the exercises. 5 of us were able to go to the EC/AEC class in Columbus, Licking Co. was well represented. Thanks to Stan N8BHL, Scott N8SY for a great class and to Franklin Co. EOC for their hospitality. Work on the CERT / ARES trailer continues and is almost completed.

Marion: October started with the Statewide SET. The Marion ARES participation began at 0800hrs with an informal net because power went down locally and then a formal net at 0900hrs when it was realized the grid was down across the state and perhaps nationwide. We fulfilled all our goals by operating on emergency power, along with the primary repeater. Contact with W8SGT was established on HF and VHF. Fldigi was utilized sending and receiving formal traffic from a shelter location in LaRue to Red Cross Headquarters in Marion. Contact was established with the EMA Director and countywide simplex communication was conduced on 2 meters with great success. The October Training Session was reviewing the SET along with a program on DC Inverters. Don Freeman, KD8BKT, demonstrated his portable Inverter/Battery system. Larry Strickland, K8BU, gave a Power Point presentation on how inverters work and how to determine the size needed for different requirements. Jim Bird, KD8KCH, demonstrated a portable 2 meter ground-plane style antenna built on a PL-259 chassis mount.

Pickaway: Pickaway Pickaway County ARES members participated in our annual Goblin Patrol during the Circleville Trick-or-Treat Night on October 31st. We also participated in the Circleville Downtown Business Association\\\'s Trick-or-Treat night on October 27th. PCoARES worked with the Circleville Police Department to be an \\\"extra set of eyes\\\" during these two events.

District 8
Counties reporting: Athens, Hocking, Lawrence, Pike, Scioto District 8 just had our Perry County EC Brad Swinehart, AC8GX resign as he is moving from the area. Looking for a new EC for Perry as well as for Athens, Vinton and Meigs. New ECs are now on board for Pike - Bill French, KE8AAL and in Ross - Todd Johnson, KD8UND Athens:

District 9
Coshocton: Thanks to Coshocton County EMA for giving ARES, CCARA and Skywarn a portion of their display at the Coshocton Fair. We had a good SET with areas to work on. Starting with the calling tree a little after 8 we had a great turn out. Thanks to ARES who were available. Thanks to those served agencies who participated also. We have a good working relationship with all. We had access to our stations on Saturday at the EMA, Sheriff, Coshocton Hospital, Coshocton Red Cross and we simulated some shelters. We had throughout the day 3 net controls, an OTS station with back up, several fldigi stations. We had voice contact with W8SGT after bands improved and also the ots had contact with OHDEN and OSSBN. EC Steve Wheatcraft 

Guernsey: : Four ARES members deployed to and assisted Muskingum County ARES with their Flu clinic. The SET was conducted as 2 meter simplex net. All stations were polled as to their ability to operate mobile, HF, emergency power, and digital. Contact with W8SGT was also accomplished. ARES also provide communications and coordination for the Byesville Halloween parade. During the weekly ARES net on Oct 27 an unannounced simulated failure of the repeater was conducted. All stations were requested to change frequency to the county ARES simplex frequency. A roll call was conducted on simplex with all stations heard by the NCS. EC Richard W. Wayt

Jefferson: Worked with local agencies in a search and rescue of missing man (16 Man-hours). EC Robert Carson.

Muskingum: The public service event was the county flu shot clinic which we count as an SET. This event is used as an SET for the EMA as well as other public services including the Red Cross. EC Elizabeth Nichols

District 10
SET had good participation across the district.
Ashtabula: October had us on our toes a bit more than the past few months. The few storms we had brought out the best of our preparedness skills. With water spouts being sighted over the lake and many trees down due to winds- we were all keeping our fingers crossed that it would not lead to anything worse. Thankfully it did not. The club/ARES purchased 2 new HF radios to add to the arsenal of gear in the trailer. We are now one step closer to being finished! November has already started and we are all preparing for the ACARC Christmas dinner. Everyone is excited to share in an evening of great conversation and wonderful food... not to mention a radio raffle or two!!

Cuyahoga: We have completed all commitments to served agencies this year. We look forward to helping with the upcoming RNC.

Geauga: Work SET and the Pumpkin Festival. Set up and ran a portable repeater.

Lake: On Oct. 4th Lake ARES provided support communications for the Lake Health Northern Ohio 
Marathon. This also served as our SET event. We placed an operator at our position in the Lake County Comm Truck linking the Amateur radio Net with the County Sheriff and Safety Forces of the four communities that Marathon ran through.

Medina: NF8O spent 42 1/2 hours at the EOC reprogramming and relocating radios, attending training meetings and drills

